A crisis among the righteous

Excerpts from a mailing list for residents of our former suburb of Boston, in which Social Justice is the most important issue after maintaining the 2-acre zoning minimum that ensures people need at least $1 million to buy in. November 16:

Last night we heard erratic driving/wheel screeching outside of our home on Old Sudbury Rd. This morning we found our Black Lives Matter sign run over and deep tire marks where the truck bowled over the sign and our snow stakes. It was reported and I do believe there is no coincidence it happened shortly after Trump announced his presidential run. The sign is going back up

I am so sorry to hear that happened. I also found a raw egg thrown into my mailbox yesterday after dark on Sandy Pond Rd.

There is only one side of racism. There is only one side

We must all be vigilant and remain resolved to resist intolerance and
bullying. Ignorance and fear cannot be allowed to dominate.

Thank you all for both the love and the hate messages [via private email] I received about the BLM sign vandalism. Now I am more informed and glad that I chose speak out. Much progress needs to be made for our children’s future.

The kids will be prepared for that future by growing up in an all-white town!

And from the library, an upcoming event with an apparently unchanged signature from the spring:

Virtual Event: Settler-Colonist Ties to Thanksgiving and Columbus: Taking Back the Narrative

In this presentation, we will explore this colonial system through primary sources and examine how language perpetuates invisibility and how we can dismantle oppression to bring accurate counter-narratives to life.

Claudia A. Fox Tree (she, her) identifies as a multiracial Indigenous woman.

The Lincoln Board of Health (BOH) voted to rescind the town-wide indoor mask mandate effective Monday, March 14, 2022, in response to substantially improved and positively trending public health data, including Lincoln’s high vaccination rate.

Updated indoor mask use recommendation as of April 14, 2022: Due to recent data showing an increase in positive COVID-19 cases, the Board of Health members voted last night to strongly recommend that people wear masks in public indoor spaces until early May as we see how the infection rate from the new BA-2 variant evolves over the next few weeks after spring vacation.

What happens in Florida when a redneck in a pickup runs over your political and social justice signs? Nothing! Because, unless there was an election happening within the next two weeks, you didn’t have a sign in the first place. Here’s our late-November scenery:

5 thoughts on “A crisis among the righteous

  1. How long can the cult last, sending money to Communists? Does Lincoln think that enough time omitting the fact that they are Communists and to keep the bandages on will alter that fact in any way, shape or form? Or are these big-brained, bird-brained multimillionaires all irretrieveably lost?

    Moreovcer, if Lincoln wanted to ‘walk the walk’ in a productive way, aren’t there better ways to help the poor and marginalized by using their considerable wealth directly?

    Implicit assumptions here all arise directly from the “I hear you, I see you” masterpiece of cult-trip videography from 2020 (??). I thought: “These people need to read up on their Jim Jones.”

    And let me be clear: none of tha 111t matters when it comes to terroristic actions like running onto and destroying people’s property. I know that where I live, sign thieves (and we have ’em every election) are a hell of a lot more careful because they know that about 1/2 the population of my town is armed. 00 buckshot leaves very nasty entry and exit wounds coming out of a 12 gauge.

  2. While I would agree on the vandalism part, it is unclear whether the vandal is a racist, or is specifically dissatisfied with the allegedly corrupt BLM, or found the sign on a 2-acre compound somewhat hypocritical.

    If someone puts a “Save The Planet” sign on his/her/zir/their Bugatti Veyron, it could be removed by a climate change denier but also by a Greta Thunberg disciple.

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