A (Jewish) friend born in the 1970s:
When I was a kid, a neighbor played a joke on his Jewish neighbor. When the guy went away on vacation, he covered his entire house with a full blown Christmas light display. That might be considered a hate crime today.
Merry Christmas to everyone! I hope that you’re celebrating in traditional ways, but maybe not following the above tradition…
Speaking of tradition, here’s an Andrea della Robbia from 1500 at the Victoria and Albert.

Why can’t we get replicas 3D-printed?
One of the most impressive della Robbia’s is at the Houston Museum of Fine Arts:
I would love to have this for our house!
- “Local Carpenter Continues To Spread Disinformation Deemed Harmful By Religious Experts” (Babylon Bee): Religious experts have begun voicing concerns that a local carpenter’s disinformation is spreading among Israelites most susceptible to unapproved ideas. “Visit your nearest synagogue for the latest information on how to obey God. Listen to the experts!” … Eyewitnesses have confirmed that a group of Independent Fact Checkers followed the carpenter around holding large signs with disclaimers above his head: “SINCE YOUR SERMON INCLUDES INFORMATION ABOUT OBEYING GOD’S LAW, WE’VE ADDED DIRECTIONS TO THE NEAREST SYNAGOGUE.”
Nah, in 2022 any police office and judge would be swayed by this comic:
plus the fact that a rube is pissing away loads of cash to light up a different house makes it very unlikely to be prosecuted (because one cannot fix stupid).
Happy birthday Jesus!
> Why can’t we get replicas 3D-printed?
Meet me at the intersection of Copyright Law, Art History and Museum Curation tomorrow at midnight. I’ll pass you the dossier with all the rules, whys and wherefores.
Seriously, I have no idea. We certainly have the scanning and 3-D printing capability. There must be a complex set of rules surrounding which pieces are allowed to be legally duplicated. I wonder if other countries follow those rules?
Too many lawyers in this world. The Italians have a special world wide law against this, it seems.
Yet, you can make your own using your own 3D printer or have someone who doesn’t give a toss about italian laws make one for you. I even think, that with the advances in AI, you wouldn’t have to lidar scan the one in Houston. A 2D image would probably be sufficient as a source for a 3D print.
Years ago robots made (new) Rembrandts https://www.nextrembrandt.com/
Speaking of art and 3D printers:
4 million dollars for an old copy
40 dollars for a new (and slightly smaller) copy