Bankman-Fried as a verb

How is everyone’s favorite Effective Altruist doing? Regardless of how the legal and financial situation gets untangled, I’m wondering about the linguistic aspects. Could “Bankman-Fried” become an English verb?

“I’m going to try to Bankman-Fried the investors” would mean to tell people about one’s charitable and political plans for wealth to be acquired using their money.

“I Bankman-Frieded the local election” would mean “gave money to ensure a Democrat victory.”

“We’re Bankman-Frieding the C suite” would mean “installing a sex partner as the CEO of a related enterprise.”

We can also look at Sam Bankman-Fried’s mom explaining complex ethical issues and how they could be handled (“Frieded”?):

(A 2014 Stanford Center for Ethics in Society presentation. The tax-exempt institution for exchanging ideas seems to have decided that it wouldn’t be Tethical to allow comments from viewers. As a test, I posted the following:

Great to have Sam Bankman-Fried’s mom’s perspective on this complex topic. I am running a bank right now and am trying to figure out whether it is ethical to steal all of the money that customers have deposited with me. I need some help from the big brains of Stanford.

Let me know if you can see it on YouTube!)


16 thoughts on “Bankman-Fried as a verb

  1. I like how they list “0 comments” instead of “comments are turned off” here. Does that mean they have a person whose job it is to read and possibly delete every comment that is not complimentary? I don’t imagine AI would understand that your comment pokes sarcastically at the situation.

    • Would love to know. For instance, I commented a few days ago. When I pull up the video of these esteemed liberals preaching, I see my comment (but no others). I’m not a software geek, so I might naively posit that my comment remains (even though count is zero).

      Here is what is found below the video for me only, I guess???

      Suzanne Goode
      Add a comment…
      4 days ago
      Mother of Sam Bankman-Fried pontificating about the value of teaching ethics . . . surreal to hear her say ” . . . does it do any good to teach ethics? The answer is going to depend of course on what type of ‘good’ we’re doing.” Begins just after 50:30


    • Still 0 comments. Given that the other works listed on the EthicsinSociety channel deal with racism, inequity, etc., I presume they have volunteers patrolling the channel.

  2. I was able to comment! See if you can see it – I’m the only one. But there is NO SOUND no matter where I put the volume. Other videos are unaffected, so it’s just this one that has the sound turned off apparently.

    • sounds still works for me. Actually, begin at 49:00 — where Professor Fried explains how ethics infuses everything she teaches and everything she does. So ethics were involved when the deed to a $16M condo in The Bahamas was put in her & her husband’s names???

  3. Sound works for me. Still see “0 comments”. Looks like it makes you keep your comments to yourself!

    • It’s funny I’m on an Android phone, and the video embedded in this webpage has no volume either. It has no volume at YouTube. But I can scroll down and watch guys making hot dogs in Korea and the volume is fine. My lone comment is still there. Weird.

  4. Our new part of speech actually appears in that video, but I won’t know what he says. I wonder where Bill Clinton and Tony Blair are? After all, they were on stage with our new verb at the big crypto conference at Baja Mar. Havent heard much from either of them in the past few weeks. They turned their volume down too! Sam [verb] looks like a homeless person! How sad.

    • Reminds me of Elizabeth Holmes appearing on a panel with Bill Clinton at a “Clinton Global Initiative” summit

  5. Speaking of criminal enterprises pretending to be business/philanthropic ones: where are the rest of the Jeffery Epstein defendants? Did that stuff just get Chinatowned? (To coin another verb)

  6. The comment manipulation is truly weird.

    Elon, where are you? (This one will take more than $44Billion pocket change.) Might have to sell some NFT trading cards.

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