The mask-loving Israel-hating geniuses at UC Berkeley

From “At Berkeley Law, a Debate Over Zionism, Free Speech and Campus Ideals” (New York Times, December 21):

a student group created a bylaw that banned supporters of Zionism from speaking at its events. … the bylaw, which eight other student groups also adopted

That a group of people would adopt an anti-Israel and/or anti-Jewish position is not surprising or delightful to me, but the pictures in this article have me weeping with joy:

The cloth masks, the simple surgical masks, the under-nose masks worn outdoors, … all of the best advice from Dr. Anthony Fauci circa spring 2020 on display in 2022 by people who claim that they are the world’s smartest. The only thing that is missing from these photos is a brother, sister, or binary-resister with a full beard for maximum airflow around the sides of a mask.


  • More Israel hatred…. “US rabbis warn of ‘irreparable harm’ from new Israeli government” (The Hill): More than 300 U.S. rabbis have put their signatures to a letter warning that Israel’s new government under incoming Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu could do “irreparable harm” with extremist policies. (the linked-to letter complains about “eroding LGBTQ rights and the rights of women” and is signed by a bunch of folks who would likely be ineligible to serve as Orthodox rabbis: Karen, Esther, Nina, Claudia, Karen, Rachel, Diana, et al.)

9 thoughts on “The mask-loving Israel-hating geniuses at UC Berkeley

  1. This authoritarianism is kind of frightening.

    Useful idiots will be the biggest casualties of the censorship they so desire.

    When will the pendulum swing back towards valuing critical thinking?

  2. If it is any consolation, most are about to enter the most soul deadening occupation known to mankind, big firm law.

    As to the views of the so-called Rabbis, the credentials needed to call oneself a Rabbi are far from clear. I mean you can be a Reconstruction rabbi without even qualifying as Jewish under more traditional rules.

  3. Curious whether masks were compulsory, I visited Berkeley’s web site, wondering how easy it would be to search. No need to search, the very top of the home page directed me to their “campus coronavirus site”. Three years after it began, coronavirus remains their top concern.

    The corona page led me to their mask page which said “Masks are strongly recommended, but not required, indoors”. So the depicted 100% student compliance with the official recommendation is voluntary. And outdoors, masks are not even “recommended”, they’re “optional for everyone”. Has there ever been a better time and place to be a young conformist than 2020s UC Berkeley?

  4. The ban has a typical newspeak rationale (

    “The bylaw, led by the UC Berkeley’s Law Students for Justice in Palestine (LSJP) student group, declared that not inviting pro-Zionist speakers was necessary for ‘the safety and welfare of Palestinian students on campus.’

    This sort of thing will increase now that the Western press has found new “extreme-right” (quoting The Atlantic) villains in Netanyahu’s government who will induce outrage and ad-clicks among their readers.

    Let’s wait what they actually do. Meloni for instance seems to have been assimilated and has quickly become EU obedient. The U.S., where democracy should have ended after the Republican house victory, seems to be doing fine.

    • Obama always said if you like your Jews controlling Hollywood, you can keep your Jews controlling Hollywood!

    • “Wrong! It’s the *gay* Jews who control Hollywood.”
      (I kid, I kid, don’t cancel me. This is a direct quote from an episode of the old tv comedy “The Larry Sanders Show”)

    • I once asked an elderly Jewish relative how he joined the ZOG. He replied that he applied but sadly never got accepted, not even a rejection letter.

  5. American academia is the prime breeding ground of idiots.

    Actually, this is nothing new… the initial stormtroopers of Chinese Cultural Revolution were students. (Then these useful idiots were mostly exterminated when more aggressive people’s psychopaths from the lower strata of society took over.)

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