
One way to stay organized is to place cables and other miscellanies in hanging folders within a lateral filing cabinet. So that small items don’t fall out, pocketed folders are ideal. I bought 10 in July 2022 for $34.97:

Today they’re $40:

That’s an inflation rate of more than 15 percent annually. The government, however, assures us that these folders have inflated to only $35.63 (BLS calculator).

9 thoughts on “Folderflation

  1. To be fair, the government doesn’t claim that all products and services are inflating at the exact same rate. Nonetheless, it is alarming that a commodity product such as those hanging folders is inflating so quickly!

  2. Lions use ziplock bags to organize widgets. Can’t imagine being a wealthy expert witness with accordion folders. Ninjaflex printer filament doubled since last year. They’re trading price increases with falling egg prices to get the 5% figure, thus the inflation targeting scam continues.

  3. Organizing cables in folders. This sounds so enticing compared to my system of throwing them all in a giant box where they become tangled together. Does it really work well in practice? Do you label each folder? I must have over two dozen different cable types (USB x to y, HDMI, RS232, DVI, SATA, etc., etc.) and it seems like they would be too bulky for this to work well. I’m intrigued, though. Maybe photos of the system in operation would be as pleasing to others as they would to me. I wonder how Ed Nisley handles this.

  4. How much of this is just plain simple price gouging, just because …. because they can get away with it? and is anybody actually trying to determine how much is real cost increases vs businesses taking advantage of the fact that people are being told to expect price increases and making a higher profit by simply riding the wave when they in fact have insignificant cost increases?

  5. @Philip, look at the bright side, unlike other sectors, where they are keeping the price the same but cutting down on portion, size, or service, at least, in this case, those folders are still the same size as a year ago. Would you rather pay $35.63, the government inflation rate, but receive folders 3/4 the size of what you got a year ago?

    Btw, rummers have it, our government is working on a secret project, Downsizing [1]. This top-secret project will save humanity and as a side benefit eliminate inflation.


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