New York Times on protecting the immunocompromised by wearing a mask

“Should You Still Wear a Mask?” (NYT, April 2022):

Experts weigh in on where, and when, you can safely take one off.

If you have compromised immunity, for example, or live with someone who does, it’s a good idea to continue wearing a mask

“A Positive Covid Milestone” (NYT, today):

“Even for most — not all but most — immunocompromised people, vaccines are actually still quite effective at preventing against serious illness,” [Dr. Ashish Jha, who was until recently President Biden’s top Covid adviser] said. “There has been a lot of bad information out there that somehow if you’re immunocompromised that vaccines don’t work.”

Most immunocompromised people are at little additional risk from Covid — even people with serious conditions, such as multiple sclerosis or a history of many cancers.

Where did the “bad information” that Dr. Jha mentioned come from? Separately, the NYT seems to have discovered that a virus cannot kill the same human twice:

The United States has reached a milestone in the long struggle against Covid: The total number of Americans dying each day — from any cause — is no longer historically abnormal.

The good news is that the mask religion lasts longer than mask Science. Two photos from last week in Ireland (signage that was ignored) and a young slender apparently healthy person wearing a mask outdoors… in front of the Science museum in Salt Lake City (June 2023):

7 thoughts on “New York Times on protecting the immunocompromised by wearing a mask

  1. Where are your usual creepy pictures you’ve covertly taken of young children wearing masks?

    • Mike: The pictures document the American righteous forcing their young children to wear masks. They’re not of “young children wearing masks” (implication that it is voluntary). Since you asked, though, here’s one from the same day/museum:

      (Separately, if you imagine that there is something “creepy” about a picture of a child in a museum or airport, wouldn’t the creepiness have to come from your own feelings about children?)

    • Mike: If you want a law-and-order video where a toddler is forced to wear a useless cloth mask by idiot adults, go here:

  2. Isn’t the press always right? What was true in 2022 need not be true in 2023!

    Why bother with facts if one can celebrate World Press Freedom Day with smooth talking experts on stage who make it clear who is in charge (there is a great video):

    (Mike, could we get the opinion of a Democrat on this freedom loving event?)

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