The film flame is alive in Holland

For the old and nostalgic, or the merely old at heart, Fotohandel Delfshaven in the Netherlands (they’ve moved to downtown Delft, actually) is a great destination. There’s a gallery/showroom downstairs and a team of guys upstairs who try to get everything back to working condition. The store also sells some broken cameras for those who just want to decorate a bookshelf. They sell film and arrange processing:

The front of the shop contains an early smartphone camera prototype:

If you were inspired by astronaut Tom Hanks’s bravery in going to the moon on Apollo 13, why not buy a prototype of the electric Hasselblad that Hanks would have used if not for the unfortunate oxygen tank explosion?

What’s inside a ‘Blad?

For maximum taste and subtlety points, a gold-plated Leica:

I prefer the red Rolleiflex:

You don’t have to be rich to come away with a working film camera. $250-500 should suffice for a high-quality restored example. If you adjust 1960s or 1970s prices to Bidies, you’re actually paying far less for one of these cameras than it cost new.

Delft is a great town and I highly recommend a visit to Fotohandel Delfshaven (or come over to our house and I’ll pull a subset collection out of the closet!).

5 thoughts on “The film flame is alive in Holland

  1. “Greenspun: Out of the Closet” sounds like a great idea for a theme party series. Cameras, computer history, banned books,…

  2. Even better title: “Greenspun Out of the Closet: See Philip’s Junk”

  3. Rolleiflex with the Tessar lens is still a good choice for certain kinds of photography, especially black and white.

  4. I love stores like that (and there are not many left). If you just want some cool gear (any kind of photo item) and happen to be in the New England area, there is a giant “flea market” once a year put on by PHSNE (Photographic Historical Society of New England where you can negotiate a price for any camera gear you want. I’ve picked up a few odds and ends (including a RolleiCord that looks very similar to that RolleiFlex — sadly just black, not red!) the past two years:

  5. OT

    Looking forward to your expert observations about the deadly crashes at Oshkosh yesterday?

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