Fighting genocide by sitting in a corridor at MIT today

“take a stand” by “sitting” today (registration form):

The MIT Coalition for Palestine is planning a demonstration in the Infinite corridor (we’ll be sitting in the hallway) and a fast on Thursday, Nov 9 from 8am-8pm in solidarity with our siblings in Palestine facing genocide and a total blockade orchestrated by the US and Israel. Please fill out the form below if you are committed to taking a stand through this action; details will be sent out later this week.

Everyone, regardless of affiliation with MIT, are welcome (can enter from 77 Massachusetts Ave)! From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!

If you misgender a classmate, you can be expelled from MIT. If you think that college admissions should be on the basis of merit rather than skin color, you will be disinvited from speaking at MIT (New York Times story on Dorian Abbot, 2021). But nobody will complain if you accuse the Jews of Israel of committing a “genocide”.

See also, the MIT Coalition Against Apartheid:

Update from Lobby 7… “No Science for Genocide”; “MIT: We Charge YOU with Genocide”. Note the megaphone, perfect for bludgeoning elderly Jews (Los Angeles-style).

The sitting part of “take a stand” (source):

How does sitting with a fully powered laptop computer in a climate-controlled building compare to the sacrifice that ordinary Palestinians are willing to make? One of the world’s most successful humans, from a biological perspective, willing to give all of that success away:

The above video raises a question, however. She is willing to sacrifice her 17 children and 65 grandchildren to the Palestinian cause. Why doesn’t she say that she is willing to sacrifice herself? Maybe she is too old to be a good soldier in a conventional battle, but she could fight as a suicide bomber. The Jews likely wouldn’t suspect a grandmother until she was too close for them to escape the blast.


7 thoughts on “Fighting genocide by sitting in a corridor at MIT today

  1. Just hoping the administration has the good sense to keep them out of the infinite corridor and finds them an alternate spot– all we need is pro-Israel and anti-Israel students tussling all along the corridor…

  2. Tell us how it goes. I recall being at MIT religious association building in the mid 1990th and there was tension in the air. Large suspicious suitcase was deposited by the door leading to Jewish section.

  3. You didn’t get this right — “from the river to the sea” that the MIT students are chanting is advocating genocide (of the Jews), that their goal is that The Land becomes Judenrein since both the PA and Hamas are clear that Jews will not be permitted to live in what is now Israel. Accusing Jews of committing genocide is a secondary issue.

  4. Are TAs at MIT routinely give time for anti-Israel propaganda? Are the “rebels” supposed to be in the class too? Not sure though what is more outrageous, the anti-Israel indoctrination or TA expanding 2×2 matrix determinant and students copying it.
    This is in QS #1 world – ranked university. We are screwed in so many ways.

  5. NY Post has several other articles on the topic:

    UPenn is the new Hamas university. Even FBI got involved.

    MIT president wants to antisemitic foreign student from having visa problems (so they could steal secret military technologies post-graduating? )
    ““Because we later heard serious concerns about collateral consequences for the students, such as visa issues, we have decided, as an interim action, that the students who remained after the deadline will be suspended from non-academic campus activities,” Kornbluth said. ”

    Jewish school anti-Israel indoctrination for 1st – graders. How did those teachers passed job interviews there? It is highly unlikely that they were all good and the only not discovered minus they had was them wanting genocide of Jews in Israel.

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