We’re gearing up for one of the three days per year when it is legal to terrify canines in Florida (July 4, Dec 31, Jan 1; contrast to up north: “All fireworks are illegal in Massachusetts for private residents”).
I posted the two pictures below from the Walmart here in Jupiter, Florida on Facebook with the caption “Safe and Sane’ way to celebrate New Year’s Eve in Florida.”:

The post was removed three days later by Facebook:
Taking a picture inside a Walmart is interpreted as an attempt to buy/trade/sell:
I requested a review and there is no way to tell them “I was not buying or selling anything”. Nor to enter any free text, explanation, or defense. Here are the options:
It looks like Facebook has amped up their moderation in general. Here’s something from earlier the same day:
I certainly don’t remember posting anything nude/sexual, not even pictures of brave Virginia Democrat Susanna Gibson. Facebook is where I post Florida beach scenes, pictures of the kids and Mindy the Crippler, etc. There doesn’t seem to be any way to figure out either the date of the offending nude/sexual post or the content. It’s a totalitarian system in which the accused is supposed to know his crime (updated to “his/her/zir/their crime”).
Here’s the rule:
Other than showing Mindy the Crippler’s naked body, I can’t imagine what they’re talking about.
My recent Facebook posts that haven’t been removed…
Any idea if Farcebook is using CensorGPT or if there is still human input?
Parler is re launching early 2024. You should move to that platform where your freedom of speech is fully protected.
Even better if Musk can liberate the Facebook, like he did with Twitter
Explains why Facespun is a little slow compared to the blog. Naomi Wu got banned from ranting about government surveillance. Of course the ban was imposed by the government of China rather than the government of ‘book, if the difference really matters.
I don’t know anyone who frequently uses Facebook who hasn’t been radicalized into a right-wing irrational drone. It’s another clue about what happened to “Dr” Phil over the last few years.
Mike: Could it be that the right-wing irrational drones are living rent-free in your head? https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2021/06/01/facts-about-americans-and-facebook/ says that Democrats are slightly MORE likely to use Facebook than Republicans (and more likely to use other social media sites). If you had to pick a typical American Facebook user it would be a female-identifying Democrat.
(Separately, is “irrational” redundant above? Surely anyone who is “right-wing” must be irrational. Left-wing political points of view have been proven correct by rational Science.)