How are Democrats able to see the border as closed when migrants continue to stream in?

It’s the third anniversary of the Greatest Administration in American history. From a conservative point of view, a defining feature of the Biden administration has been rapid acceleration of population growth via low-skill immigration (native-born Americans aren’t being replaced; it is just that the immigrant percentage of the population is at an all-time high). What do Democrats perceive?

Republicans and Democrats these days often seem to express agreement on philosophy but then disagree on facts. With respect to coronapanic, for example, Americans from both parties agree that schools for 10-year-olds shouldn’t be closed when a virus is circulating that kills people at a median age of 82. The disagreement on the school front is now around a fact: Were any American public schools closed in 2020-2021? Democrats say “No. All schools were open all the time.” while Republicans say that big urban school districts, e.g., NYC, Boston, SF, LA, et al., were closed for 12-18 months (and various suburban districts were either closed or half-open on an ineffective “hybrid” schedule).

A similar disagreement seems to be happening right now with the border. Here’s a tweet from the Democrats and my reply:

The U.S. has never enjoyed better border security, as far as the Democrats are concerned. Having seen videos of people walking through the fence and seen statistics on roughly 2.5 million encounters with migrants per year (on the U.S. side of the border, meaning that people got here somehow!), I ask whether the Biden administration has simply decided to leave the border open. Democrats respond that the border isn’t open:

It’s a conspiracy spread by Fox, in fact, that there is any openness to the U.S. border.

The question for today is how Democrats sustain their belief in the fact of a closed border with official U.S. government statistics on the hundreds of thousands of migrants who come through the closed border every month.

Background from Fox:

The Haitian man first arrived at a port of entry in Brownsville, TX in December 2022, where he was deemed inadmissible & released into the U.S. with a future court date.
In September 2023, Boston police arrested him for rape and indecent assault and battery on a disabled person. ICE filed a detainer request with local authorities in Dorchester, seeking his custody, but the request was ignored, and the alleged rapist was released into the community in November. ICE found & rearrested him a little over a week ago.

The Haitian gentleman was “inadmissible” and therefore was admitted. Paging Dr. Orwell?

The Daily Mail features photos of migrants who’ve somehow appeared on the U.S. side of what is, from a Democrat point of view, an entirely closed border:

CNN shows “More than 1,000 migrants wait in line to be processed by US Border Patrol agents after crossing the Rio Grande from Mexico on December 18 in Eagle Pass, Texas.”:

From the a righteous perspective, anything in CNN is true, no? How is a border through which more than 1,000 people cross in one day in one location not “open”?

11 thoughts on “How are Democrats able to see the border as closed when migrants continue to stream in?

  1. I have been thinking on this a lot. It is clear that Democrats see everything Republicans see. Yet, it does not register in the Democrat brains. Also, Democrats remember Trump as a war monger and think the world is now at peace.

    Except they also know this is not true. There is something weird going on in their brains. And I do not believe this is abnormal, I think we are evolved to see what we want to see.

    • That’s the nature of fanatical cults: the pre-existing bias is so strong that any conflicting infirnation is dismissed immediately and is not used to adjust the image of the reality. The cognitive dissonance is then resolved by deeming all such information to be deliberate lying by the cult’s enemies and thus serves to reinforce the in-group cohesion by reduction of contacts with people outside the cult.

      The West will have to deal with a lot of people in serious need of psychiatric help in the years to come. I can only hope that we won’t see the nuclear flavor-aid making its appearance.

  2. Presumably the differences as to facts are really differences as to definitions — schools were “open” in the sense that although the building was closed you could join by Zoom and the border is closed in the sense that one is required to follow certain legal procedures before one can enter. Which definition the public accepts and whether the public cares will be seen in the next election. As for migrants, in NYC their presence is quite obvious with mobs of them and their scooters outside of various hotels that have been converted into shelters – brown paper on the windows so you can’t peek in and $252 per night — food not included. Also on the subway platforms streets selling cut fruit and candy ^ driving helter-skelter on motorized bikes delivering avocado toast to the lap top class. Truth be told the migrants you notice seem way more industrious than the segments of the native population, i.e. large drug addled deranged black males who congregate in the subways taking drugs and then sleep it off on the sidewalks or in subway cars. I can’t say that I am particularly worried that one of the migrants will push me on the subway tracks.

    • JDC: This is not a difference around semantics. The childless Democrats believe that schools were never closed at all, i.e., that students and teachers entered the buildings every school day (schools having had the same essential status as alcohol and marijuana retail). Manhattan Democrats with children have a memory of a few weeks in which kids were at home, but believe that they quickly went back to school (the kids themselves recall being stuck at home for more than a year and learning nothing).

    • JDC, procedure to cross border now: get to Mexico and drive/walk/swim/hope/run/gallop into Texas/Arizona/California. Are you sure it is legal?

    • @JDC, “I can’t say that I am particularly worried that one of the migrants will push me on the subway tracks.”

      You should be worried. The resources that those illegal migrant are taking need to worry you big time. Have you been to a hospital lately? Court house? A public or private service office or agency? A shelter home or hotels? Every one of those illegal migrant requires resources for which tax-payers are paying to support. The US government is consuming resources, both manpower and physical resources (food, land, time, etc.) to meet the demand of illegal migrants.

      At 1,000 illegal migrant crossing into the US, a day, for how long can the government sustain this? Democratic states, with the moto of “No human is illegal” and “All are welcome” are crying for help from the federal government.

  3. How are Democrats able to see the border as closed when migrants continue to stream in? Most democrats have been infected by the liberal pathogen and can no longer think clearly.
    What do Democrats perceive? Democrats perceive Donald Trump as a threat to democracy and the only way to preserve democracy is to eliminate it.
    Were any American public schools closed in 2020-2021? Yes!
    The question for today is how Democrats sustain their belief in the fact of a closed border with official U.S. government statistics on the hundreds of thousands of migrants who come through the closed border every month. Most democrats have been infected by the liberal pathogen and can no longer think clearly.
    The Haitian gentleman was “inadmissible” and therefore was admitted. Paging Dr. Orwell? The good Dr. is unavailable.
    From the a righteous perspective, anything in CNN is true, no? yes!
    How is a border through which more than 1,000 people cross in one day in one location not “open”? the border is open.

  4. Folks are living in a information bubble with helpful stories delivered from all their favorite pundits. Then there’s the herd mentality, proponents of Team Biden aren’t comfortable criticizing his performance. The criticisms from across the aisle are obviously “fake news” since they’re not coming from trusted pro-Dem talking heads.

  5. Democrats are no good on this. We all understand that. Why was this not fixed when Trump was president and they had Congress? For pandits on this blog, what is the permanent solution for this?

  6. “How are Democrats able to see the border as closed when migrants continue to stream in?”

    As Bill Clinton would say, that depends on what the definition of “is” is.

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