Microsoft keyboards back from the dead

For those of us whose hands and brains are accustomed to the Microsoft Sculpt ergonomic keyboard, which was discontinued in 2023, it looks as though there is hope. Microsoft has apparently made a deal with Incase, an established computer accessory company, to revive the Microsoft keyboard line (presumably coming out of the same factory in China).

If only Google would do this with Picasa! Open source it so that someone else can take care of the former customers.

The Microsoft product page is still live:

An Amazon seller has a used one for $369:

I paid $111 for this in March 2021. Adjusted for Bidenflation at the official rate, that’s supposedly about $130 today.

7 thoughts on “Microsoft keyboards back from the dead

  1. Why is this the one to lust after rather than one of the iterations of the Natural Keyboards? And why would you want it to be wireless?

  2. Don’t know what a jet setter like Greenspun would do with a PC keyboard. A vision pro would be a better match, since it seems to be the wearable computing breakthrough. We need a blog review of that.

  3. I continue to use the Microsoft Natural Keyboard pro, which was built during the golden years of 1999-2001.

    After being discontinued, I scooped up nearly 10 of these from ebay and other places, and I swap in a new one roughly every 5 years.

    I hope my stash will outlive me.

    I have seen other iterations from Microsoft with the same basic shape, but the key action was never right.

  4. Look at the Perixx keyboards. I have one and it works well. You pick the key type for the feel you want.

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