Why are there foreign do-gooders working in Gaza?

We regularly read about foreigners doing heroic deeds on behalf of Palestinians seeking to liberate Al-Quds, destroy the Zionist entity, and establish a river-to-the-sea nation. Most dramatically, we have learned about the deaths of six foreigners working for World Central Kitchen (Wikipedia):

The IDF claimed that before the incident, the WCK cars had escorted an aid truck that had a gunman on its roof that fired a gun … A second gunman was spotted at the warehouse joining the first gunman, leading to the drone operators assuming that they were of Hamas, claimed the IDF. As a result, according to the IDF, the IDF drone operators believed that the WCK cars were being used by Hamas militants, and further suspected that they saw a person entering a WCK car with “a rifle but at the end of the day it was a bag”, in a “misclassification”. The IDF claimed that the drone operators believed that the WCK aid workers had remained at the warehouse with the aid truck, instead of leaving in the cars.

It doesn’t surprise me that people get killed by mistake in a war zone (especially if they share a warehouse with armed men who look just like one side’s fighters). If the risk weren’t there one couldn’t claim credit for heroism by volunteering to work in a war zone. What does surprise me is that WCK employs non-Palestinians to work in Gaza. Even before the October 7, 2023 resistance action, only a minority of adult Palestinians worked (one of the lowest rates of labor force participation of any society ever to exist, presumably at least partly due to the fact that EU and US taxpayers provide food, health care, education, etc. via UNRWA). If the majority of adult Palestinians don’t work, why can’t an aid organization do whatever it wants to do with an all-Palestinian workforce? Gaza has an enormous surplus of potential labor, in other words, so it shouldn’t make any sense to send workers rather than cash and material goods.

Here’s UNICEF, for example, sending a blond do-gooder to delivery food and water:

Instead of paying her salary, why not hire 10 locals with the same money?

There are plenty of Palestinians who can drive trucks, stock shelves with food and water, and cook. Why do UNICEF and WCK bring in foreigners to do these jobs?

Posted in War

6 thoughts on “Why are there foreign do-gooders working in Gaza?

  1. Likely the locals all work for Hamas and steal everything. But foreign governments also need to spend as much money as possible keeping their own bureaucrats happy.

  2. Correct me if I’m wrong but I thought most of the folks working for WCK and the UN are locals. For example, one key principle for WCK is to have locals doing the cooking so that the food is culturally appropriate.

  3. Could you post the source of your earlier post that 96% IIRC of Palestinians’ calories are imported (and, unlike, Taiwan, or Oakland County, Michigan, they are not trading semiconductors or vehicles or ANYTHING AT ALL of value for the food)?

    • I don’t remember knowing that 96 percent number! What I do know is that UNRWA guarantees adequate food for an unlimited number of Palestinians and however many children they choose to produce.

  4. The Palestine worshipers are definitely easier on the eyes than the pro Israel bloggers, anyway.

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