A standard day in the American health care system…

Here’s an August 2024 bill for a walk-around heart monitor that was used by a patient in February 2024:

The price to an uninsured person would have been more than 10X the real price of the service ($3985 vs. $331).

I still can’t understand how it is legal for health care providers to lie in wait for the unwary uninsured patients and hope that someone slips through the cracks somehow and becomes liable for more than 10X the regular price for a service.

I’m convinced that more than 90 percent of the medical bill bankruptcies and disputes in the U.S. would be eliminated if the Feds established a “If you want to feed from the Medicare/Medicaid trough, you can’t bill an uninsured patient more than a 15 percent premium over the Medicare price” rule.

One thought on “A standard day in the American health care system…

  1. Meanwhile, Chinese men woke up to find they would no longer be retiring at 60 but now 63. Chinese women discovered they would no longer retire at 55 but 58. A story of things to come, as regards US.
    Theoretically, all the money goes to malpractice lawsuits & expert witnesses. Wonder who the over 65 heart patient is.

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