One year until many of the world’s PCs can be taken over by a 10-year-old?

As the righteous in Tim Walz’s Minnesota, California, and Maskachusetts observe Indigenous Peoples’ Day and deplore the time when a hated Jew inflicted a Nakba on the entirely peaceful Native Americans, let’s look at the 21st century way to conquer a big part of the world.

From Microsoft, back in June:

I think this is because my desktop computer was running a CPU/chipset/motherboard configuration from 2015 that lacks some modern security features, such as a Trusted Platform Module.

I wonder if a lot of people won’t upgrade despite Microsoft’s threats. After all, improvements in computer hardware have slowed to a crawl (see GPU performance improvements since 2015 (and why not just use motherboard graphics?) in which we learn that the 2015 CPU had reasonable performance by 2022 standards. With Microsoft not bothering to continue with security updates and nearly every PC connected to the Internet, will a smart 10-year-old be able to take over a substantial fraction of the world’s computers? This is not an open-source computer program that folks other than Microsoft can debug and patch.

Circling back to Indigenous Peoples’ Day… remember that immigration wasn’t the best thing that ever happened to Native Americans, but Science proves that immigration will be the best thing that has ever happened to Native-Born Americans.

8 thoughts on “One year until many of the world’s PCs can be taken over by a 10-year-old?

  1. You may be able to either unlock a virtual tpm in bios or buy a $20ish 14/20pin tpm module to stick in the mobo

    • Interesting. MB MSI|X99S SLI PLUS RTL is what the Newegg invoice showed in 2015. gives a list of motherboards and I don’t see mine on it. They show Intel X299, but not X99 (X299 is three times better?).

      suggests that there is no way to get it to work, even with a TPM module: “Old platforms you can’t make compatible, new platforms have it in the BIOS already.” Maybe I will reboot just to check…

    • During the reboot process the Security section of the “Click 4 BIOS” has almost no options and certainly nothing about TPM (nor TPS Reports).

      Here’s what Windows says about what’s installed:

      BIOS Version/Date American Megatrends Inc. 1.40, 11/5/2014 says the AMI BIOS was last updated in 2016 after going through 1.5-1.9 and then rolling into 1.B and 1.D (the latest). The release notes don’t say anything about TPM support being added.

    • (I want to build a new PC anyway. It’s been almost 10 years. It seems as though CPU/GPU improvements have been minimal, but DDR5 RAM and the latest M.2 SSD drive should speed things up noticeably compared to my DDR4 and SATA. Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-5820K CPU @ 3.30GHz, 3300 Mhz, 6 Core(s), 12 Logical Processor(s) is 5th gen according to ChatGPT and Intel says I need 8th gen for TPM.)

  2. Wonder if being old enough to spend a lot of time in DOS & Windows 3.1 made some of us never take Windows seriously ever since.

  3. Columbus day interview

    From: The Department of Little Known Facts
    Dateline: Providence, RI, Columbus Day, 1674
    Byline: Charleton Whitbread — Providence Journal

    The Projo sat down with Metacomet (street name — King Philip), chief Sachem of the Wampanoag, to talk about the challenges facing his people.

    “Thanks for meeting us, Chief. What herb do you have in the peace pipe?”

    “Mashpee Mellow, artisan grown, field to bowl. Try some.”

    “Mmm, (cough) good, really good, Chief…Ah (cough), we were wondering how your tribe is doing on achieving Diversity, Inclusion and Equity?”

    “Truth be told we’re not so big on DIEing. Not for nothing but we’re no strangers to diversity. We’ve had plenty of that, what with the Narragansetts just across the river, the Niantics beyond them, and we even get along, mostly, with the Mashantucket Pequot. Although they do get too big for their loincloths sometimes. They thought they were entitled to tax all the trade with the English and Dutch up and down the coast. Probably to finance their gambling habit — just saying. Pretty arrogant, huh? That didn’t end well for them.

    Where we draw the line is…Mohegans! What you call Mohawks, we call…well, this is a family paper, right? So I’ll leave it at that, but if they come around it’s not our fault if they fall off a cliff or something.

    But some of our people are talking about something they’re calling the “Great Replacement”. Sure they’re rednecks mostly, but even some thoughtful people are beginning to think we’ve had enough. Not to say that the arrival of you whiteskins has been all bad. Thanks for the metal tools and utensils, knives, axes, pots and pans, fish hooks, arrowheads and…firearms, though you’re pretty tightfisted with those. And not to overlook woven wool blankets, they really make a difference around the campfire, let me tell you. We appreciate all those things — ever try to fell a tree or carve out a canoe with a stone axe?

    But too many of your ways are just too foreign for us. I know we’re supposed to be open minded about foreign cuisines, but we prefer roast venison to boiled beef. And what’s with the baked beans? Strange. Also, these places that you call taverns serve alcohol. Problematic.

    And we don’t appreciate that you come onto our land and push us around, building stone walls across our hunting and planting grounds, running hogs through our clam beds. That’s beyond rude. You want to pen in these small bison you have and keep these huge animals, like deer but bigger, as riding pets. This makes no sense to us.

    We’re a hunter-gatherer society and have been practicing slash and burn agriculture for millenia. We may lack a recorded chain of title for our land but we still need to burn the forest for our crops and for the forage that feeds the deer and other game animals that we harvest.
    The fires we set open up the forest and the ashes renew the soil for planting corn, beans, and squash. Deer are drawn in and we can hunt them without having to chase them through the forest — try that without boots in Winter, brother.

    When we have a treaty with you, you always break it. You make illegal encampments on our land, and when we object, you send soldiers against our women and children. So we get pushed off our best hunting grounds, and you give us — another treaty! You vote to help yourselves to our land, but we are not members of your tribe or colony or whatever you call it so we don’t get a vote. You call it “Our Democracy”. We have other words for it…”

    “All very well Chief, but what about Global Warming? Don’t your people understand what an existential crisis it is?”

    “The existential crisis facing our people is the uncontrolled immigration of whiteskins stealing our land and obliterating our way of life. But as for Global Warming, we’re all for it. You may not remember the last Ice Age, but we do. Our land was under 600 feet of ice. Made it hard to hunt and gather much. And cold? I can’t even begin to tell you. So the retreat of the glaciers was a good thing for us. Now we just have to figure out some way to get you guys to retreat, ideally back across The Great Salt Pond to where the Sun also rises.”

    “Well, how do you propose to do that, Chief?”

    “Let me get back to you on that.”

    Metacomet was killed in 1676 fighting in what would come to be known as King Philip’s War.

    The Pequot were massacred by English troops and their Mohegan allies in 1637.

    In 1590 a band of Mohawk warriors raided Adriaen Block’s Island and fell to their deaths fighting the Niantics at what is
    now known as Mohegan Bluffs.

    Got a tip? Email me at

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