Escape jury duty with a positive COVID test result?

I recently testified as an expert witness at a trial where the judge told prospective jurors to expect 4-6 weeks of service during which they’d be hearing about dull technical subjects. One lady mentioned a vacation that she’d booked and paid for prior to being summoned. She had receipts for her airline tickets. I was 100 percent sure that she’d be excused. Of course, I was dead wrong. Speaking of dead, though, what stops a juror from developing COVID after a few days of what promises to be an interminable trial? If the court (a government agency) adheres to the CDC religion (from another government agency) and allows the juror to stay home for five days, he/she/ze/they misses five days of testimony and therefore must be excused in favor of an alternate. After the five days of quarantine-at-home are over, the juror embarks on the paid-for-and-planned vacation.

From a malingerer’s point of view, the era of coronapanic is an ideal one (for jury duty and anything else, e.g., the in-laws’ in-laws’ wedding). He/she/ze/they can say “I drove to CVS, donned a sacred Fauci-approved mask, bought an at-home test kit, used it in my car in the parking lot, noted the positive result, and threw out the contaminated materials in the CVS sidewalk trash can so as not to bring a biohazard home.” The surveillance video, if pulled, and credit card records would confirm the story. If an investigator camps outside the purported COVID victim’s house and makes a video of the victim being apparently healthy that only reinforces the #AbudanceOfCaution displayed by the juror.

Given how easy it is to spin this kind of yarn, how is it possible to keep a jury together for more than a week or so? If your answer is “most people are honest,” I invite you to look at the $123 billion in coronapanic fraud that was taken out of taxpayers’ pockets (state-sponsored PBS). One attorney with whom I spoke says that juries stay together week after week because they develop the same kind of bond as soldiers in a war or disaster victims.

Note that, in the below graphic from the Church of Fauci, “your symptoms are getting better” is entirely subjective and impossible for anyone else to falsify (fatigue and headache, for example, are on the official CDC list of COVID symptoms).

4 thoughts on “Escape jury duty with a positive COVID test result?

  1. If you were called for jury duty, I would expect you to be kicked off just because you have expressed a large number of opinions online. The lawyers would spend hours reading your blog posts and tweets, and surely one of them would be offended by something. We live in an age where people are easily offended.

  2. Pretty easy to escape jury duty on those frivolous cases. Just need to perfect the eye roll & protest the ludicrousness.

  3. There are lots of people out there who like jury service. If you are going to continue receiving a paycheck and your job is boring, say you are a postal worker or drive a bus, why not jury duty for a change of scenery? Also people who have no job and the $40 a day or whatever is meaningful. My last time it was some bs asbestos cases projected for six weeks and anyone with a brain figured out how to get out of it. My experience picking juries in criminal cases is that anyone with a triple digit IQ has a very slim chance of getting picked in a criminal case – unless they do something really half baked like they are a psychologist or social worker since defense lawyers want people who are, how shall we put it, suggestable. No engineers, accountants or lawyers, please.

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