Value of not having to rub shoulders with a peasant (JetBlue Mint vs. cattle class)

I’m looking at going out to California after teaching FAA private pilot ground school (free and open to the public) at MIT. Here’s a guide to what an elite is willing to pay in order to avoid sitting with the peasants for 7 hours: $700/hr. Prices as of December 19, 2024:

Some “extra room” seats are still available on this flight:

So the alternative isn’t cramped torture.

8 thoughts on “Value of not having to rub shoulders with a peasant (JetBlue Mint vs. cattle class)

  1. Lie-flat seats on domestic flight? Didn’t know it exists. It’s a game changer for red-eyes, but I don’t fly them anymore – care about my sleep and health way more at this age.

    The most atrocious business class I saw is in Europe – it is exact same seats with the middle seat blocked off (facepalm).

  2. Seems a lot higher than 1st class 30 years ago, but a lot more media. Pays to travel on the dime of a non profit or St. Jude. The rest of us are praying for nvidia.

  3. How does this compare to the luxury offerings of the 1970s [1]?

    From a quick Google search, it seems that luxury flights in the 1970s cost around $500, which would equate to roughly $3,500 in today’s Bidenmonies (soon to be Trumpmonies). If that’s accurate, the 1970s experience appears to have been far more luxurious than today’s “lie-flat seat” and “Mint” (whatever that means)!


  4. Why would you want lie-flat seats on a daytime domestic flight? Maybe you are gonna enjoy some ketamine Musk-style?

  5. Best class I have ever taken is the FAA private pilot ground school ! Thanks for continuing the tradition!

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