Sunset of TikTok will be the dawn of a new era of American productivity?

I visited at 11 pm Eastern time last night:

I wasn’t a regular TikTok user, but I don’t remember any education- or work-related content there. If Americans aren’t viewing TikTok anymore will there be a huge boost in American productivity and GDP as a result of all the TikTok addicts doing something useful instead?

12 thoughts on “Sunset of TikTok will be the dawn of a new era of American productivity?

  1. This post didn’t age well: it seems they are enabling it again! WTF is going on?

    I actually support banning of Chinese social media – they banned American corporations. Shouldn’t be lopsided.

  2. A few years ago, The Information (sort of what Variety is to Hollywood, just for Silicon Valley), had published a profile of up-and-coming Chinese startups. One of them was, the predecessor of TikTok. They asked the CEO wht the service was not offered in China itself, and their frank reply was “Chinese kids are expected to study.

    We can’t blame external factors too much, though. Chinese kids dream of becoming astronauts (taikonauts). Ours did in the 60s, but now they dream of becoming influencers or youtubers, i.e. parasites chasing get-rich-quick schemes.

    • Fazal, respectfully the reason titok and other such services aren’t allowed in china has nothing to do with “study”…the murderous, totalitarian, communist regime there sees these services as an existential threat to their existence. Maybe do a little reading about how socialism and communism work, or review the recent socialist censorship that the the U.S. experienced during the past four years. For a reality check, look at the millions of chinese who are fleeing china for the U.S.

  3. Hello Trump supporters and worshippers, it is a great day for USA starting a new era. Businesses liberated from GOVT regulations, billionaires fighting for common people, no illegal immigration(may be no illegals at all), GOVT out of people lives, no inflation going forward or prices will start going down, fiscally responsible GOVT and drill baby drill future never looked this bright and prosperous. Cheers ….!

    • Cheers back at you!! Love your summary of the WINNING! Difficult to wrap our minds around the damage done to our wonderful country by the Obama, Clinton, Biden, Harris crime families. But, it’s now thankfully over and time to Make America Great Again!!

    • The “criminals” began with the first Europeans who set foot in America. Yet, no one is chanting “Make Native Americans Great Again!”

    • Anon, thank you for pointing out my omission. Completely agree on Bush 2 (who really abdicated most of his presidency to the very evil Dick Cheney). His catastrophic wars in Afganistan and Iraq were arguably the biggest disasters for the U.S. in 100 years. Bush 1 gets a bit of a pass in my view because of his service in WWII.

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