A California public school processes today’s grief in a neutral manner

For parents and students in the East Bay (of San Francisco, California), a reminder from a school bureaucrat, who has stayed entirely “neutral”, to “to follow the example set by Presidents Biden and Obama” (for better readability, not in quote style):

DUSD Community,

In the United States, we have always had a peaceful transition of power between presidents, except for January 6, 2021. President Biden and his administration have demonstrated a high level of professionalism during this transition, just as former President Obama did for President-Elect Donald Trump and each president prior.

The 2024 Presidential election was, for the second time, an extremely divisive election for our country. This election has itself become a point of protest for women, Muslim and Jewish communities, immigrants, and people who care about education, Social Security, Medicare, and a whole list of other issues. There has been a great deal of media coverage regarding the Presidential Inauguration that will take place Monday, January 20, in Washington, D.C.

As educators, we have the incredible opportunity to use the presidential election and the second Trump Inauguration as learning opportunities to help promote social justice [Ed: with taxpayer funds] in a way that actively engages our students. The activities, discussions, and student production that we choose to plan around the inauguration are opportunities to further develop the skills and competencies that we are developing in our Graduate Profile. We need to provide a safe environment for our students during the Presidential Inauguration. I encourage students and staff to reach out to each other and work together on shared, peaceful activities at our school sites. Listening to the Inauguration is an appropriate activity, along with providing the space for students to process Trump’s presidential address. Providing these types of activities is a critical responsibility and opportunity for our educational institutions.

Regardless of the activity, we will stay neutral, share the facts, allow for both sides of an issue to be shared, and create a safe place in our classrooms and at our school sites for discussion to take place. We need to follow the example set by Presidents Biden and Obama and engage in activities that support the peaceful transition of power between Presidents.

In addition, I want to reinforce the importance of maintaining the privacy rights of our students. Under FERPA laws and laws that govern the State of California, our schools will not provide any private student information to ICE (Immigrants and Customs Enforcement) without a formal arrest warrant. Our schools must remain safe and secure for all who attend and work in DUSD.

I thank you in advance for staying in school, remaining respectful, and engaging in meaningful dialogue around the upcoming Presidential Inauguration on Monday, January 20, 2025.


Chris D. Funk
Dublin Unified School District

In other news, I was just in Berkeley, California, a simple 1.5-hour BART ride from Dublin! The laundry detergent is locked up at Target (along with almost everything you’d find at CVS):

Let’s stroll out of Target, past a few outdoor maskers, and into Pegasus Books, which features a permanent panhandler by the front door. Inside we find empty CD cases for fear that someone without a streaming account will steal the precious CDs themselves:

The Followers of Science (TM) are heavy readers of books about witchcraft:

What if a passion for Hamas rule and Socialism could be combined into a single book?

Some miscellaneous titles:

31 thoughts on “A California public school processes today’s grief in a neutral manner

  1. Wonder what’s that “Ukraine” thing behind the Work, by some Yaroslav? Hopefully, progressive enough.

  2. It’s time for Israel to rebrand itself.
    They’re losing the meme wars.
    Let’s workshop some of these.
    Jewish Palestine
    Hebrew Palestina
    Greater Judea & Samaria
    West Jordan
    Who’s with me on this? C’mon man.

  3. Netanyahu figured out how to slaughter 33 more Palestinian children and the women trying to protect them, after the ceasefire was announced. Hopefully the Israeli people will finally cut him off.
    Last week when I took attendance at Erie High School in Colorado where I work as a substitute teacher, at least 90 percent (I didn’t count–tomorrow I will) of the kids with Hispanic names were absent. I have no doubt that their families are mobilizing for the impending terror and chaos of ICE raids and sudden family separations. It’s heartbreaking. But part of me is happy for those who will return to their or their parents’ country of origin and find a more peaceful, more affordable, more socially-uplifting and embracing way of life than they have experienced in the United States. And part of me is looking forward to the sudden drop in labor that will make the over-consuming, average American not get exactly what they want when they want it.
    About one in five American children are living in poverty ($30,900/year for a family of four in 2023) in the United States. Hopefully they will not end up being the ones indirectly most affected by these labor shortages.
    King Trump has gained power. We shall soon see what his reign unleashes on planet earth. At least he might help end the war in Ukraine. Maybe RFK Jr. and Usha Vance will somehow save the day….

    • Jennifer, I pray for you because your post is so completely lacking in humanity. You appear to have compassion for terrorists, murderers, rapists, islamist terrorists and other detritus of the world rather than the good people of the world who have been victimized by this scum. How anyone could lead with pity for palestinian children, whose misery was a direct result of the terrorists who were elected by their own people by huge margin, and who chant “death to Jews” and “death to America” is astonishing to me and I’m sure most good and decent people in the world. You also astonishingly call out ICE raids for those who broke our laws, invaded our country, cheated other lawful immigrants who waited in line and were lawful, and then resulted in the murder/rape/pillaging of our country. You owe Laken Riley, Jocelyn Nungary and thousands of others a huge apology. I pray that you will take a moment to contemplate your hateful and shameful comments.

    • Anon: Don’t forget that Hamas fighters and leaders are role models for half of the students at Harvard and Yale. If Hamas added some rainbow flags around the territory that it rules maybe they could be role models for three-quarters of elite American young people.

    • Yes, another interesting and good point on Harvard, Yale, MIT, Columbia, Upenn and on and on…. My guess is Jennifer fits in well at these “institutions” that hate humanity and “learn” to celebrate the detritus and scum of the world. They celebrated the murder and rape of 1200+ people in Israel and they celebrate these same islamist terrorists that rejoiced at what happened on 9/11. I have great pity for Jennifer because her moral compass has been so corrupted.

    • It’s fascinating to see individuals like Jennifer advocating for illegal immigrants.

      To Jennifer and others who share this perspective: would you feel comfortable if your next door neighbor tapped into your electrical panel to power their home? How about using your backyard for a BBQ without permission. What about accessing your bathroom or an extra room in your house just to shill out every now and then?

      Even if your neighbor, like all illegal immigrants, is a kind and non-violent person, wouldn’t such actions still constitute a breach of the law and your personal boundaries? Or are you suggesting that breaking the law is acceptable as long as it doesn’t happen in your own home?

  4. Dear Anonymous (!?),
    Your prayers mean nothing to me. I’m an Atheist (surprise!). Immigrants without the documents needed to stay in this country “legally” are generally extremely hard-working and not criminals (the statistics upholding this statement are very easy to find). Whereas the man who just became President is a convicted felon, judged so lawfully by a jury of his American-citizen peers. Perhaps your next incarnation will be more elucidated than this one has been. But thanks for your prayers. I feel sorry for you too!

    • Jennifer, please instead of directing your sorrow toward me, I hope and pray you will direct it towards Laken Riley, Jocelyn Nungary and those who met similar horrific fates in Israel in 2023. Spend a few minutes of your day sometime contemplating why it is they were all raped/tortured/murdered. Your comment suggests you believe your atheism releases you from any moral obligation to humanity, which is truly enormously sad. I wonder how you would have reacted to the atrocities against Jews in Hitler’s Germany had you been living there at the time.

    • @Jennifer, I have family members in Aleppo, Syria. With HTS taking control, their rights are being stripped week by week. It’s a shame that the media has stopped reporting on Syria but of course they were celebrating that Syrians are now “liberated” with HTS. As an educator, why aren’t you advocating for their cause and urging our government to take action to help them?

      As for the reason why Trump won, despite being a convicted felon (in the state of NY) it is precisely because of folks like you who insists on Open borders and Rainbow teaching — your ideology isn’t working. Even hard core Democrats like Bill Maher [1] have figured this out.

      [1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BtCK-dMb-F8

  5. Dublin has some pretty impressive parks. Don’t know how they can afford to manetain zip lines, hammocks, rope nets, & electronic restroom doors. Don’t hang from the plastic ropes or you’ll get cut. Wouldn’t mind feeling black female supremacy from Akilah Cadet. Apparently she suffers from Ehlers-Danlos syndrome & depression.

  6. Nobody wants to comment on the fact that the taxpayer-funded school can spend tax dollars “to help promote social justice in a way that actively engages our students”? Though both major U.S. parties agree that “justice” should be promoted, “social justice” is a talking point specific to Democrats (“talking point” because they’re never willing to tax themselves to build housing for the unhoused, even in states or cities where Democrats have 100 percent of the power). A Deplorable student who says that it is not the job of working taxpayers to fund housing, health care, food, etc. for able-bodied Americans and migrants who choose not to work would find that his/her/zir/their (it’s California, after all, so even the Deplorables may come in 74 different genders) perspective is officially rejected by the school system.

    • What can I say? Even best public schools are heavily biased and instill subconscious biases in favor of Democratic party and goals of the left in their most teachable students. This has to end but no idea how.

    • @perplexed is this true even in 100% Republican states like MS, AL, LA, FL, IN and others..

    • @perplexed
      “This has to end but no idea how.”
      Stop teaching the teachers to be socialist?
      Probably would take a significant number of men to decide they don’t want their kids being taught that way. I don’t see that happy, though.

    • Sam, even not socialist otherwise decent and competent teachers have vested interest in strengthening Democrat Party support, through their union. Whether it is blue collar Democrat or a qeer for hamas, the final result is one more vote for Democrats, whose goals became terrible.
      Maybe we should prohibit public unions, or make Republican party make an exception and support public unions when they manage quality of their membership – no private or individual interest to be hurt anyway.

    • @perplexed If public unions are the problem, why do police unions support Righteous republicans

    • Anon-respectfully, are you actually serious in your question to perplexed (why do police unions support Republicans)…have you been living under a rock for the past 10 years? The Obama/Clinton/Biden terrorists portrayed our wonderful police as evil racists who needed to be eliminated, which resulted in the tragic murder of police and a general hatred of them by millions. I’d encourage you to visit your local city police department and they can help you understand first-hand.

    • Anon, 1) Not all police unions support Republicans
      2) In general, with the exception of our host and libertine wing of Republican party, Republicans support police and by default their unions.
      3) New Democrats do not support police and by default their unions
      4) Police spends time with HS students and graduates after they were indoctrinated in public schools during formative decade of their upbringing

    • Perplexed: I’m not anti-police, for the record. I just think that the front-line police officers in non-war-zone parts of the US shouldn’t have guns. Also, they shouldn’t be allowed to unionize (also my opinion for other government employees, but especially an issue for teachers, firefighters, and police officers because the incompetent shouldn’t have de facto lifetime job guarantees).

    • Anon . I do not live under a rock , looks like you are. As a GOVT organization, police are most corrupt organization in last 150 years and all these years conservatives/republican support them. I do interact with cops and look at local municipal/city budgets very closely. If you also look at these no. you will see how much money we spend on them what we get in return.

    • Philip, my 2nd reply: if you do not need municipal police, do not have it. There are many municipalities without local police. Including mine. If your municipality needs police, then police needs to be armed.

    • Our school 4 miles from Dublin taught us the wonders of black female supremacy but only the top 1% could afford it.

  7. Philip, I think police should be armed. There is no area in the US immune from violence. Especially from gang violence. I support 2nd Amendment and think that armed populance makes nearly violence-free society.

  8. Public schools in the Bay Area are left of Karl Marx. Woke values are the secular religion, and throw in a lot of anti-capitalism as well.

    It’s much more extreme than this very carefully worded letter from Dublin.

  9. I grew up in a country in communist Eastern Europe. I could not follow more than 10-20% of Mr Funk’s letter. It is exactly of the same type of verbose nothingness and blunt and cruel ideology pressing forward against common sense as the texts spit out in party meetings with compulsory attendance in my childhood. It makes me sick. I have never expected that the West goes down this path. I’m wondering what the readers with Slavic names (Ivan and Pavel) think of this post. I wish I had a more genial temper, oriented to satire and sarcasm. But it just fills me with rage.

  10. What’s the set overlap of (1) those who embrace Science as infallible and use it as a shield to justify all of their agendas; and; (2) those that believe in astrology / tarot/witchcraft? I bet it’s pretty high!

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