Will colleges and universities keep their coronapanic principles or abandon them for filthy lucre?

From bestcolleges.com:

President Donald Trump signed an executive order Feb. 14 to withhold federal funding from schools — including public colleges and universities — requiring COVID-19 vaccines for attendance.

The article then provides a partial list of the righteous:

I verified at https://www.oberlin.edu/obiesafe:

Oberlin College requires that all students, faculty and staff attending or working at Oberlin receive a full COVID-19 vaccine, unless an individual has an approved medical or religious exemption.

The above list may not be complete. Tufts in Maskachusetts isn’t listed, for example, but it does require medical, dental, PA, etc. students to receive the Sacrament of Fauci plus a Booster of Faucism. (They’re still following the Science as revealed by Dr. Fauci, the CDC, and Prof. Dr. Joe Biden, M.D., Ph.D. in which the COVID-19 “vaccine” prevents transmission of SARS-CoV-2?) Does the Trump executive order come with an exemption for medical/dental schools or will Tufts have to choose between saving lives/its sacred principles and the sweet cash that flows out of Washington, D.C.?

After saying that nothing is more precious than human lives and the COVID-19 vaccine is essential, how does a college or university reverse course and explain that it no longer cares about saving lives? Will they defrost Claudine Gay so that she can explain that it is all about the context?

3 thoughts on “Will colleges and universities keep their coronapanic principles or abandon them for filthy lucre?

    • Those who reject absolute eternal limitless creator God seem to always find human or other inferior substitutes.

  1. “University of San Francisco: Initial COVID-19 vaccines are required”

    Do they have a black market for the initial COVID-19 vaccine?!

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