Folks near Boston: an exhibit on migration at Harvard’s Fogg Art Museum is closing on January 5.
Don’t touch the cardboard beer boxes:
Sign admonishes visitors not to touch the used tampons:
But maybe it is okay to touch the bricks:
Photos contrast the border with Mexico with the border with Canada (over which most of our Hollywood stars are fleeing?):
Europeans welcome migrants into their welfare states and rip up their streets while the Chinese build superhighways and 24,000 miles of high-speed rail:
From the permanent collection, an idea for repurposing your analog multimeter:
Thank you for spending the hours from your valuable lifespan to visit this exhibit so the rest of us don’t feel like we’re missing out. It should be subtitled:
“Living in Different Worlds: American Elites and Trump Voters”
I’m not terribly impressed with the off-the-grid potato power exhibit. Harvard Fogg is wasting the space with what isn’t even a middle-school science fair project winner? I thought smart people who had progressed beyond the sixth grade went to Harvard.
Are you at least allowed to change the voltage range on the multimeter to get a meaningful reading?
Not impressed with a wired potato?
How dare you!
That was another technological masterpiece coming from the celebrated teen-age clockmaker.