Coronavirus is a Republican plot to prove Trump right?

“The Purell presidency: Trump aides learn the president’s real red line” (Politico, January 7, 2019):

A self-described germaphobe, the 45th president is strictly enforcing proper hygiene inside the White House — and wherever else he goes.

He asks visitors if they’d like to wash their hands in a bathroom near the Oval Office.

“If you’re the perpetrator of a cough or of a sneeze or any kind of thing that makes you look sick, you get that look,” said a former Trump campaign official. “You get the scowl. You get the response of — he’ll put a hand up in a gesture of, you should be backing away from him, you should be more considerate and you should extricate yourself from the situation.”

The president’s admitted germaphobia has been a fixture throughout his career — from real-estate deal rooms to casino floors — and it’s now popping up in more public ways. It could create another round of tactile challenges as Trump launches his 2020 campaign, during which he might try to steer visitors toward his signature thumbs-up selfies and away from handshakes for the next 16 months.

Democrats on Facebook love to say that Donald Trump is stupid, but doesn’t coronavirus make him look smart in retrospect? Maybe COVID-19 came out of a secret Republican National Committee laboratory?

Separately, a Facebook post from a righteous (and now disappointed) Elizabeth Warren supporter:

The news needs to show more White people with covid19 to help quell this tide of insane anti-Asian racism.

(She may have a point; we went for dim sum a couple of weeks ago and there was no wait for a table!)

4 thoughts on “Coronavirus is a Republican plot to prove Trump right?

  1. Now we know why there is no hand sanitizer left in the stores: Trump bought it all up.
    #Trumpvirus has been trending on Twitter.

    And for all you Bernie Bros out there, cheer up and enjoy the socialist way of life:
    – Socialism is incompatible with toilet paper;
    – Socialist internationalism is when workers of all nationalities unite to kick the unsanitary Jews (or Asians FWIW)
    – join the long march on Washington to protest the fascist Coronavirus; bring your red pussyhat if you cannot find a face mask;
    – Bernie is parading the streets of on top of an armored vehicle after the DC police closes all traffic

  2. Really having to stretch and bend reity to make Trump and Fox’s debacle in downplaying the threat of this virus into a positive for him.

  3. The Democratic Party’s media adjunct was highly excited by President Trump’s contact with officials who have subsequently been diagnosed with the novel Coronavirus. They taunted him for his failure to take a test. When he indicated he would probably be tested, one could feel the excitement mount. …

    I think we’ve seen this a couple of times before (like “very stable genius”). Democrats being nasty idiots, yet again, and subsequently getting clowned, yet again. They just can’t resist.

  4. offtopic, sorry:

    do pictures of morbidly obese ladies with donuts, made without their permission, belong to you ( they are linked to your sites), or you have a hater that set you up?

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