“Boston is well known as ‘The Cradle of Liberty,’ and for nearly 400 years Boston has led the way in providing equal human rights for all of its citizens. Over 5 years ago, on May 5, 2010, The Boston City Council passed a Unanimous Resolution In Support of An Act Relative to Gender-Based Discrimination and Hate Crimes (S. 1687/H.1728). Because the Massachusetts Legislature has still not passed this important Human Rights Bill, Boston Mayor Marty Walsh is today taking a very courageous and important action by making two restrooms in Boston City Hall Transgender Inclusive. …
Starting January 15, the vaccinated will be more equal than the unvaccinated in the cradle of liberty. From state-sponsored media (NPR/WGBH):
Boston mayor Michelle Wu announced Monday that the city will require proof of vaccination for indoor recreational activities and will tighten the vaccine mandate for city workers.
The moves are intended to tamp down the city’s winter surge of COVID-19 cases and the threat of the emerging omicron variant.
Beginning Jan. 15, people aged 12 and up looking to patronize venues like gyms, restaurants and museums will have to present proof of at least one vaccination dose for access. The following month, everyone aged 12 and up will need to present proof of vaccination through an app, a CDC vaccination card, or photo of a vaccination card, or other official immunization record.
Children ages 5-11 will be phased into the new requirements on a slightly extended schedule and won’t have to provide proof of first vaccination doses until March 1. Then, beginning in May, children will need to show proof of full vaccination.
“This is a response that is rooted in science and public health and we need to take every available action to protect our city’s residents, businesses and institutions,” Wu said of the testing elimination.
Where did the scientist learn #Science? According to Wikipedia, while majoring in economics as an undergrad. Where did the public health expert learn medicine? At law school. What about the paranoid conspiracy theories of the Deplorables that a cabal of elites are controlling every aspect of American life? Mx. Wu attended Harvard University for both bachelor’s and law school.
What does the manufacturer of the drug that will be required for children to leave the house say about this medicine? The label: “this unapproved product… which is not an FDA-approved vaccine.”
With 95 percent of subjects, age 12 and up, having received at least one shot, is SARS-CoV-2 giving up on life in the Cradle of Liberty? NYT:

- Maskachusetts: When people aren’t scared enough, change the Covid-19 dashboard (median age of a COVID-19-tagged death in the state where children will be required to prove they’ve taken an unapproved drug, through August 2020, was 82)
- Karen orders two dozen beignets and a three-gallon Hurricane (vaccine paper checks in the public health capital of the South)
Shouldn’t Boston’s 5% Unvaccinated be a protected minority? Why are there no #Pride marches for the Unvaccinated, why isn’t it empowering to be Unvaccinated? Most importantly, why do the Unvaccinated not get their own bathrooms? What happens if I self-identify as Vaccinated?
We are now two mutations away from the original Wuhan Virus (is Mx. Wu in favor of reparations, since we are at war with COVID-19?).
#Science tells us that the Omicron variant is mild and that the vaccine does not work:
“Our preliminary investigation of the first outbreak in Norway with the Omicron VOC supports the notion that this SARS-CoV-2 variant is highly transmissible even among fully vaccinated people. “
Norway does not currently apply the European Union Digital COVID Certificate for entry to venues. We believe that this outbreak would probably not have been prevented even if such a system were in place, given that nearly all participants had received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine and the majority were fully vaccinated and tested by antigen test before the event.
Also, the authoritarians have probably extrapolated from “the curve” that the peak will be around January 15th with or without measures. So they can claim success again in March.
This has been the game in many European countries this year. It is imperative that “the curve” is never seen to drop naturally without prior government intervention.
These are some great points. By the time the order goes into effect for 5-year-olds (March 1), it is virtually certain that the vaccine they’re being forced to get will be irrelevant against whatever form of virus is circulating then. Jan 13, 2021 was the “case” peak a year ago. So your theory about peak timing also makes perfect sense.
One scientific basis for forcing those last 5% to get vaccinated is chaos theory, as explained by Dr. Jill Biden, M.D.’s colleague Dr. Jeff Goldblum, Ph.D. A single butterfly in Japan can flap his/her/zir/their wings and cause a hurricane a month later in the Caribbean. Science therefore tells us that a single unvaccinated person eating a Big Mac indoors can wipe out an entire city of the triple-vaccinated.
Phiklip, Dr. Jeff Goldblum is a heretic. Most recent #science tells us that all events are either 1) 100% deterministic, completely predetermined by previous state or 2) truly random without anyone being able to influence them or 3) combination of 1) and 2). Hence there is scientific consensus to blame Mascachusets coronavirus infections wave and the entire pandemic on previous state (Trump) and on random villain of the day, 5% non-vaccinated (random) that does not require to blame #science (CDC that was criticized by praticing hospital doctor during the lecture I attended in person in February of 2020 and Dr. Fauci).
Earlier this month, Jen Psaki scoffed at the idea of sending free COVID tests to every American’s home. Now Biden is going to do it! He’s going to send tests (and workers, I guess?) to every American that wants one. If you test positive, do they enforce quarantine?
I have to give credit to our host for highlighting the difficulty of getting scheduled for tests in Massachusetts. Someone in the Oval Office must be reading this blog to get this kind of quick 180 out of the Administration. The details of how many tests each household can order are “still being sorted out.”
What if you claim to have 26 children and sell the tests on eBay for some quick holiday cash? If you run a B&B do you order 50 or 60 rapid tests to cover you for a month?
It sounds like a good way to put money back in the hands of the average American, especially in Massachusetts! Just go out on the street corner with your trenchcoat, like the guy selling fake Rolexes: “Pssst. Need a rapid test? Right here! $14.99. Genuine U.S. Government.”
One potential outcome I can easily imagine: if the 500 million free at-home tests fail to stem the tide, the Administration can claim to be out of soft ammunition and will be forced to consider sending health care workers to everyone’s home to PCR swab the entire population, enforce vaccinations and quarantines. Once you GIVE the tests away for free, if it fails to flatten the curve, what options do you have left? That Jim Cramer idea of having the military run the vaccinations might come to pass after all. I know I’m ready for my RFID chip.
While a military junta is a most enticing idea, unfortunately Jim Cramer has been my favorite counter-indicator for many years. So it might not happen.
Here’s triple vaxxed Jim Cramer demonstrating the power of vaccines:
Where is the pool of excess 500 million tests that Biden will draw from to send to people?
And in other news this Tuesday morning, Leana Wen tells people on CNN not to wear cloth masks because they are: “Little more than facial decoration.”
Who is Leana Wen? “Leana Sheryle Wen is an American physician, an op-ed columnist with The Washington Post and a CNN medical analyst.”
It’s taken all this time (and Crayola and Zexy Leopard Shanzhen Printing Amalgamated selling who knows how many tens of millions on Amazon) for the #Science to finally agree (at least in large measure) with this blog: Cloth rags on yo’ face are worthless!
Almost two years months into the Pandemic and the Omicron Variant has finally broken the cheap cloth mask dragon’s back! To be fair, some people had to cash in before this candor needed to be achieved!
I mean, what’s next in the “Obvious Revelations that Can Now be Told” Department? Some petite Asian woman doctor who was born in Shanghai stands up on CNN and says: “Listen up, confused Yankees! I’ll make it simple for you. If you have XY chromosomes, you are a MAN. Understand? XX = WOMAN. XY = MAN. Almost all the time! Easy to understand! I went to medical school!”
If correct it is now a pandemic of the vaccinated. Lockdown the vaccinated for their own safety, they should understand as the vaccinated care about safety more than anyone else.
“With 95 percent of subjects, age 12 and up, having received at least one shot, is SARS-CoV-2 giving up on life in the Cradle of Liberty? NYT:
“What does the manufacturer of the drug that will be required for children to leave the house say about this medicine? The label: “this unapproved product… which is not an FDA-approved vaccine.”
Smells like … Liberty
I would prefer to see the stats for those that are sick or hospitalized with covid related respiratory problems, require oxygen etc, rather than just “cases”.
I agree that you should be able to look at the stats and draw your own conclusions. Information regarding COVID should not be censored. But it has and will be censored for your own good.
At the Vienna University a professor who argued against COVID-19 measures has been purged in December. Additionally, public health insurers want to cancel contracts with renegade physicians, thereby depriving them of income.
No English links exist, selective reporting is in action again. For proof here’s the German link from the Austrian State Radio itself: