Should a local TV station go all-rainbow-all-the-time?

Here’s what the Twitter feed of a Miami TV station looked like back in Pride Month:

Is this appropriate 2SLGBTQQIA+ promotion? The sacred Rainbow appears next to an article about Jose Salvador Hernandez, whose alleged actions are nothing to be proud of:

Deputies were later called to a house for a burglary in progress and arrived to find two witnesses struggling with Hernandez, who had broken into the home, grabbed the teen, held her down, told her “just be quiet” and lifted up her shirt “with the intent to commit sexual battery,” the report states.

As of Tuesday morning, Hernandez was being held without bond in the BSO Main Jail on charges of sexual battery, false imprisonment, burglary with assault or battery and leaving the scene of a crash.

Local news tends to cover the worst side of human nature. Should local TV stations refrain from changing their Twitter icons to rainbows?

Here’s another less-than-inspiring story (about Kathianna Jean-Louis) next to the symbol of America’s official religion:

And finally, a story that doesn’t seem to fit under the Love Wins rubric:

Detectives accused Ramirez, who is a migrant from Guatemala, of raping the teenage girl early Sunday morning in Homestead, according to the police arrest form.

Here’s how it looks next to the rainbow flag:

Separately, when is Elon going to give us reactions other than “love”. I seriously doubt that 6 people actually “love” this story about Sarvelio Gabriel Ramirez.

10 thoughts on “Should a local TV station go all-rainbow-all-the-time?

    • And yet, there are no BLM speeches, BLM marches, BLM uprisings, or 24×7 coverage by BLM leaders, BLM media, or BLM politicians. Even our president didn’t say much about this mass shooting.

      The message is clear when BLM’er does something terrible to other BLM’ers, it’s acceptable, and justice and reparations are secondary, but when a non-BLM’er does something terrible to BLM’ers, justice, and reparations must be swift and heavy.

  1. The three alleged criminals are diverse. Or are they not diverse?

    • I think this would be a wonderful opportunity to pause for a moment and give thanks for the many great contributions of the black community and their culture to our society.
      Their peaceful and generous nature makes them ideal neighbors, lending testimony to their exceptional family values and parenting skills unrivaled by any other culture.
      Their commitment to academic excellence enriches our schools and serves as an example to all who hope to achieve prominence as a people.
      Real estate values are fueled by the influx of African Americans into an area due to their caring and respectful nurturing of these communities, as an example of all they have achieved by their enthusiasm for self-improvement through hard work and a self-reliant can-do nature.
      African American international reputation for self restraint, boundless patience and superior non-violent conflict resolution skills is legendary across the globe.
      Without their industrious and creative drive, we would be poorer as a nation.

    • @Deutschman I filled in the blank with a forbidden word and was stealth edited by our host who is obsessed with a google platform. No woke for me!

  2. It’s just the wrong flag. They should be using the extended diversity rainbow flag with the brown/black/pink triangle intruding into the rainbow part.

  3. You are looking at it the wrong way Philip. That rainbow color you see is to help you calibrate the colors on your TV. If after the calibration you are still not seeing all the This Pride colors, then you are required to report to “muttawa” [1] of This Pride so you are re-educated starting with basic readings at your local library [2]. Who knows, we might run into each other at the library.


  4. > Separately, when is Elon going to give us reactions other than “love”.

    One of the biggest annoyances with the current web. But some people use it voluntarily on other platforms, even when there are thumbs-up buttons in 100 diverse skin colors (the original yellow thumbs-up icon was racist, because the color reminded people of the Simpsons, who in turn are white).

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