American Eagle eschews Rainbow-first retail in Rotterdam

May 2023, Manhattan, American Eagle shop windows:

July 2023, Rotterdam (different city), American Eagle (same retailer):

Despite the fact that rainbow flags are almost non-existent in this region, and therefore are sorely needed, American Eagle doesn’t roll out its 2SLGBTQQIA+ message in Rotterdam. If the company is committed to this cause (which they should be), why don’t they promote it in Rotterdam? If the company is not committed to this cause, why do they promote it in New York City?


14 thoughts on “American Eagle eschews Rainbow-first retail in Rotterdam

  1. Once upon a time your posts focussed on interesting & worthwhile topics, but nowadays only on topical rubbish. There is no good reason to read them now.

    • Vote with your feet! And dont forget to watch Barbie movie for true life philosophy!

    • I agree and am going to cancel my subscription. The posts just contain tropical rubbish. And there aren’t enough of them.

    • Occasionally there is still an interesting post here, usually related to aviation. Recently there were a couple of interesting ones about talks at a MIT Computer Science event.

      But there’s an increasing amount of junk to wade through. This post in particular is a new nadir.

    • So many nerds do want to be shored from reality out-there and remain idiotic in original Greek meaning of the word – not enraged in public affairs, no offense intended

  2. There’s only 1 thing lions can think of doing in Rotterdam, as animals who never had access to any women who still had their health. Helas, the tyranny of domestic partnership is just as bad as marriage.

  3. Climate activists have discovered rainbow washing and blocked a Coca Cola Pride Bus in London, because Coca Cola is one of the worst polluters:

    “High-polluting industries and the banks that fund them now see Pride as a useful vehicle for sanitizing their reputations, waving rainbow flags in one hand whilst accelerating social collapse with the other.”

    In Europe companies are present during high profile events, but, as you note, keep a low profile in stores. Perhaps the presence would offend our growing diverse population.

  4. Agreed….why the perpetual hardon with Covid and LGBA-Z+++?
    Is it causation or correlation that these aforementioned topics became perpetual since Alex1 has taken ill and gone dark?
    If so, it’s time we reached out and invite him back ASAP.
    Let’s hope he is well and returns soon.

  5. What I learned from the above comments: it is not the person who closes schools and spends $10+ trillion in an unsuccessful fight against a respiratory virus who is unreasonably obsessed with Covid; it is not the cisgender heterosexual who covers half of a building with a trans-enhanced rainbow flag who is unreasonably obsessed with 2SLGBTQQIA+.

    • That’s the world we live in. The virtuous have been reprogrammed to deny all Wuhan Virus measures that took place. In recent discussions in other forums people claimed:

      – There have never been any lockdowns.

      – There have never been any vaccine mandates.

      – The vaccines are safe and prevented infection and transmission.

      Anyone who contradicts is a Deplorable and an idiot.

  6. I think this is pretty simple, nyc pride ran June 1 – June 25 so the colors in May made sense for selling clothes to people getting ready to dress up to party.

    You obviously don’t know your pride calendar – Not That There’s Anything Wrong with That!

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