How is everyone’s Pride Month going?
I visited Target near the Raleigh-Durham (North Carolina) airport last month. What are they offering this Pride? My favorite item was this doormat, eminently suitable for a hangar door or for an FBO to place at the bottom of airstairs:
Who could possibly argue against the interior of an aircraft or hangar being a “space space”?
Compared to last year in Montana, Target was not promoting Pride wear in kid/toddler sizes. Adult XS was the smallest that I saw.

I noticed quite a few shoppers who appeared to be observant Muslims, e.g., women who were completely covered in accordance with Islamic law and tradition. If Target wants to be respectful to migrants and Muslims, which I am sure that they do, is a big celebration of 2SLBTQQIA+ lifestyle the way to make observant Muslims feel comfortable bringing their children into the store?
Returning to the merchandise… my favorite shirt was the Love is Love shirt, but I don’t see that on the front page of Target’s LGBTQIA+ Shop (not 2SLGBTQQIA+?):
If we dig deeper, though, I think this might be it:
Perfect for walking the golden retriever!
Meanwhile, across the pond Marks and Spencer may be welcoming observant Muslims with the LGBT sandwich (seems to have been introduced in 2019 and it is unclear whether they’ll still selling it in 2024):
I would love to see a 2SLGBTQQIA+ sandwich. What would we need to add?
- 2S = two slices of bread
- QQ = Quinoa and Quark (the German cheese/yogurt/whatever)
- I = Iberico (Spanish ham)
- A = Arugula (always good to have more greens)
- + = Black Pepper
- Is LGBTQIA the most popular social justice cause because it does not require giving money? (in which I note that this is the perfect cause for a corporation that wants to maximize profit)
- LGBTQIA+ is a popular cause with employers because it cuts parental leave costs? (some added benefit to American employers who’ve been coerced into paying for millions of years of work by employees who are at home with their children (“parental leave”))
ChatGpt to the rescue:
Give me a receipt for a 2SLGBTQQIA+ sandwich
Certainly! Here’s a creative and inclusive recipe for a “2SLGBTQQIA+ Sandwich,” celebrating diversity and inclusiveness in every bite:
### 2SLGBTQQIA+ Sandwich Recipe
– **2** slices of multigrain bread (symbolizing 2-Spirit)
– **S**picy hummus (representing the spice and vibrancy of the LGBTQQIA+ community)
– **L**ettuce (for Lesbian, fresh and crisp)
– **G**uacamole (for Gay, creamy and full of flavor)
– **B**acon strips (for Bisexual, adding a savory touch)
– **T**omato slices (for Transgender, bringing color and freshness)
– **Q**uinoa patties (for Queer, nutritious and unique)
– **Q**ueso fresco (for Questioning, adding a tangy, explorative note)
– **I**mported olives (for Intersex, exotic and varied)
– **A**vocado slices (for Asexual, smooth and versatile)
**Note:** Feel free to customize this recipe with your favorite ingredients to celebrate your unique identity and taste.
For Tomatoes, Transgender=Good but Transgenic=Poisonous Frankenfood
I think banks should put that doormat in front of their vaults.
… with a dash of monkey pox.
Over here, the celebrations of who we are have been muted so far, hardly visible compared to last year which was somewhat rainbowed out. That EU election has taken up a lot of media space it seems and perhaps financing is less generous now. Then again, I suppose there is still time to hammer home what is really important in life so fear not.