Looking for a last-minute Christmas gift for a friend who shaves his/her/zir/their beard? Let’s examine Jeremy’s vs. Dorco, which prevailed over all competitors in my 2019 testing (see Friends weigh in on Dorco versus Gillette and Dorco Shaving Test: 7 blades good; 4 blades bad).
During the ordering process, the company deplorably references “Columbus Day” rather than Indigenous Peoples’ Day.
Fighting wokeness isn’t cheap:
At the time this order was placed, Amazon was selling a Dorco handle with 10 Pace 7 cartridges for $29.99 (free shipping for those of us in the elite inner circle of Prime membership).
What do you get? A beautiful box:

The cartridge contains six blades arranged in pairs so it initially looks like a three-blade device. The handle is about twice as heavy as Dorco’s standard handles. I have seen speculation on the Interweb that Dorco is behind Jeremy’s, but the connection system is slightly different and Dorco’s 6-blade cartridges do not arrange the blades into pairs.
Here’s the Dorco 6-blade cartridge for reference:
I set up a test where I would shave two days of growth in the shower using a new Dorco Pace 7, my favorite product from that company (see Dorco Shaving Test: 7 blades good; 4 blades bad (referenced above) and Gillette versus Dorco Shaving Test 4), on the right side and a Jeremy’s razor on the left side. Dorco has a handle with some additional freedom of movement, but for comparability I used a Dorco handle that allows the cartridge to rotate in just one axis, like the Jeremey’s handle.
Whereas the top-of-the-line Gillette (Fusion 5) v. Dorco Pace 7 test revealed subtle differences, Jeremy’s v. Dorco was not a close contest. The Jeremy’s razor was much less comfortable and it felt like it was snagging on every bristle, though ultimately it produced a similarly close shave.
Winner: the quietly competent Korean engineers at Dorco whose opinions on #MeToo, 2SLGBTQQIA+, and white patriarchy are unknown.
Jeremy’s includes some collateral material that mocks the Gillette celebration-of-transgenderism ad:
Plus some instructions:
Who wants this kit? I will be happy to mail it out, minus the one cartridge that I have used, to any reader who wishes to continue this research project.
Oh yes, speaking of beards… a Hero of Faucism in the Bellagio casino, Las Vegas, with a full beard plus simple mask:
Thank you for the kind offer, but hard no. The corporate pseudo-joviality of their “instructions” makes me want to barf. Their marketing hacks should just Shut Up.
I’m thrilled (honestly!) that the Dorco products continues to shine. They were a great find, and I used my Pace 7 this morning. I’ll refrain from accepting the kit and +1 to averros.
If I want a really nice shaving box, I’ll either spend a full day on line comparing (hah!) or I’ll build one myself.
The Dorco Pace 6 is a winner for me. Smooth shave and lasts a LONG time.
Throw this in the mix?
The reader reviews are interesting.
I settled on DORCO Pace 6, great price, great shave and that was my new razor, then they came out with the DORCO Pace 7 blade, best razor and shave I’d ever had and that was my new razor! Eventually Gillette sues DORCO, Dorco leaves the market, though you can still find the cartridges on amazon they are much more expensive than they previously were and sold by what appears to be trial lawyers from that case…
The Dorco and Dollar Shave products cost a bit more but you get a much better shave with these products.
I previously was using Dorco 6-blade cartridges with trimmer. These 5-blade cartridges with trimmer seem to be just a good, maybe better. They seem to rinse out cut whiskers better than the Dorco blades.
I was looking for a good replacement for the Dorco razors I was using before, and these are it for me.
I’m a long time Gillette/ Dorco Pace user and these Solimo blades feel like cheap dollar store razors in comparison.
For the nominal price difference, after these are used up, I’m going back to the Dorco Pace 4.
The razor pulls more than a Dorco 6.
Got these as they were cheaper than the Dorco pace 6 blades. Big mistake, these blades are not sharp and often leave hair uncut and I have to do a second or third pass. Honestly, pay a little more and buy the excellent Dorco blades. There’s a reason these are as cheap as they are.
I can’t find any evidence of a recent lawsuit by Gillette against Dorco. https://www.nytimes.com/2008/04/29/business/worldbusiness/29iht-suit.1.12418537.html is from 14 years ago.
https://www.wsj.com/articles/p-gs-gillette-sues-dollar-shave-club-1450371180 is from 2015, but against Dollar Shave Club, which was reselling Dorco blades at a huge profit.
> I can’t find any evidence of a recent lawsuit by Gillette against Dorco.
I remember buying my first Dorco kit when all this started. My pharmacy was clearing out the Dorco 3-blade razors so I bought a few to stash in the Time Capsule. You had just begun your testing and I bought the Pace 7 on the strength of your results. I am 100% sure that Dorco had already “exited” the American market at that point and I don’t think any lawsuit was involved – they just changed their plans. I bought the Pace 7 online.