If Rainbow Flagism is the state religion, why do individuals and businesses need to buy their own rainbow flags?

In Rainbow-first Retail (examples from Bozeman, Montana), I displayed photos of retail shops whose owners invested time and money to ensure that consumers wouldn’t be able to enter without paying obeisance to America’s state religion. But if 2SLGBTQQIA+-ism is our state religion and the trans-enhanced rainbow flag is our sacred symbol, why do private businesses and individuals need to organize worship?

Park City, Utah provides an answer to this question: “they don’t.” Here are some photos from last month in which we can see the city’s 100+ trans-enhanced rainbow flags, enough to adorn every lamppost in town:

Who agrees with me that it would be simpler for the government to handle annual and permanent Pride observance duties?

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Should a local TV station go all-rainbow-all-the-time?

Here’s what the Twitter feed of a Miami TV station looked like back in Pride Month:

Is this appropriate 2SLGBTQQIA+ promotion? The sacred Rainbow appears next to an article about Jose Salvador Hernandez, whose alleged actions are nothing to be proud of:

Deputies were later called to a house for a burglary in progress and arrived to find two witnesses struggling with Hernandez, who had broken into the home, grabbed the teen, held her down, told her “just be quiet” and lifted up her shirt “with the intent to commit sexual battery,” the report states.

As of Tuesday morning, Hernandez was being held without bond in the BSO Main Jail on charges of sexual battery, false imprisonment, burglary with assault or battery and leaving the scene of a crash.

Local news tends to cover the worst side of human nature. Should local TV stations refrain from changing their Twitter icons to rainbows?

Here’s another less-than-inspiring story (about Kathianna Jean-Louis) next to the symbol of America’s official religion:

And finally, a story that doesn’t seem to fit under the Love Wins rubric:

Detectives accused Ramirez, who is a migrant from Guatemala, of raping the teenage girl early Sunday morning in Homestead, according to the police arrest form.

Here’s how it looks next to the rainbow flag:

Separately, when is Elon going to give us reactions other than “love”. I seriously doubt that 6 people actually “love” this story about Sarvelio Gabriel Ramirez.

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Salt Lake City Public Library Kids’ Section

For British Readers: Happy Traitorous Rebellion Day. For Americans: Happy Great Patriotic Revolution Day.

One of the freedoms for which we ostensibly rebelled and that would not have been available had we stayed part of the British Empire is enshrined in our First Amendment. We are informed by the New York Times that, apparently contrary to the Constitution, books have been banned in Utah and that residents of the state no longer have “freedom to read”. “Book Bans Rising Rapidly in the U.S., Free Speech Groups Find” (April 2023):

Seven states, including Florida, Tennessee, Oklahoma and Utah, passed laws last year that impose limits on material in libraries, according to analysis done by EveryLibrary, a political action committee for libraries. This year, the group is tracking 113 bills across the country that it says would negatively impact libraries or curtail people’s freedom to read.

Florida was already covered here (see Palm Beach County Library Kids’ Section). Below are some photos from a June 15, 2023 visit to the public library in Salt Lake City, Utah (designed by Moshe Safdie). The atrium is inspiring, but the roof deck sadly closed for repairs in November 2022. A librarian explained that the repairs won’t begin until August 2023 and “it’s a government project so who knows how long it will take.”

The first thing that a family sees on entering the kids’ section, which is downstairs, is a “picture book” cabinet with a “Celebrate Pride Month” sign on top.

The books featured include Different Kinds of Fruit (a sixth grader learns that her father is trans), Donovan’s Big Day (“Donovan’s two moms are getting married”), They She He Me: Free to Be! (a book about gender identity that Amazon customers are using with 4-year-olds), and A Kids Book About Gender (“it’s meant to help kids and grownups understand gender and create an open and safe environment for kids to question, experiment, and discover their authentic selves.”).

A child of perhaps 3 wears a mask and is joined by a librarian (far left of second image):

How about the Teen section? It is impossible to enter without first paying obeisance to Rainbow Flagism:

Once inside, the teen is invited to join 2SLGBTQQIA+ clubs and download 2SLGBTQQIA+ apps.

On the same floor (featured in the center), but not within the teen lounge per se:

Teens are reminded on this floor that adults are raging hypocrites (admitting that they stole the land from the Native Americans, but refusing to give it back or at least pay rent):

(If you were Elizabeth Warren or some other Native American would you rather have white invaders “learn and respect” or have the white devils pay you in gold?)

What about for adults? On the ground floor, just as you enter the library:

Upstairs, but not on the teen floor:

Whether adult, teen, or child, if you were to use a computer to search the catalog you’d have to first pay obeisance to Rainbow Flagism. The home screen through which you are required to pass:

(See also Rainbow-first Retail (examples from Bozeman, Montana))

The public web site has the Pride message, but as one of a set of messages that scroll:

Readers: In terms of freedom to read would we have been better off staying under the British umbrella and/or waiting for a peaceful separation as the Canadians did? Who currently has more freedom to read, Canadians or Americans?

(Speaking of Canadians and Utah, Senior Management covered our kids in so much zinc oxide during this recent trip that they looked like Justin Trudeau‘s cousins from a parallel universe.)

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Say goodbye to Pride month with a Bud Light Clamato?

Here’s a suggestion for showing your passion for all things 2SLGBTQQIA+: drink a few Bud Light Clamatos. From Bryce Canyon earlier this month…

Separately, have Bud Light sales recovered yet? At least in Florida, folks didn’t seem to be holding the company’s excursion into transgender advocacy against the brand. More than half of the customers at the New York, New York Tiki Bar in Titusville, FL (perfect spot for watching SpaceX launches) were drinking the elixir and the bartender reported no slowdown in sales. Photo from May 21, 2023:

Note that Bud Light has been a transgender brand since at least 1987. Spuds Mackenzie was assigned female at birth, but identified as a male party animal.

(As it happens, I have been boycotting Bud Light for more than three decades. If I ever do start drinking beer, I don’t think it will be one mixed with clamato.)

Don’t drink alcohol? Perhaps you’d prefer to spend 5 cents on a frosty Coca-Cola ($15 adjusted for Bidenflation?). Recent photos from the Coke store in Orlando, Florida:

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Frontiers of English: “this Pride” like “this Christmas”

Email received this month from Marriott’s W Hotels division:

Not “this Pride Month”, but simply “this Pride” as in “this Thanksgiving” or “this Christmas”.

If you’ve been wondering why we celebrate the state religion just one month per year, the folks at Marriott promise “W Bangkok continues Pride year round, with programs scheduled through 2023.”

Readers: will saying “this Pride” stick as an English idiom?

Some more examples… from a California state senator:

From a physician in the UK:

From a newspaper in Portland, Oregon:

From the Village Voice (NYC):

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Should a company have to offer lower rates to the 2SLGBTQQIA+ before it is allowed to call itself an “Ally”?

From Salt Lake City, just outside the public library:

Morgan Stanley says that it is not merely an “ally” but a “proud ally” of the 2SLGBTQQIA+. However, as far as I am aware, the bank does not offer discounts or preferential rates to customers who identify as 2SLGBTQQIA+. Should the Federal Trade Commission shut them down for false advertising unless they can show concretely what they’re doing for 2SLGBTQQIA+ customers worldwide? A company shouldn’t be able to obtain the “queer advantage” (see book below from the Salt Lake City Library) without paying for it, should it?

Separately, the New York Times says that humanity faces a “climate emergency” and an “existential crisis”. At the same time, I think that the newspaper takes money for ads for single-family homes (inherently energy-inefficient) and pavement-melting SUVs. Maybe the FTC can’t shut them down for hypocrisy, but perhaps the NYT could be forced to add a “context” box under every claim that the Earth is going Full Venus: “This newspaper profits from ads for SUVs and single-family homes.”

A few more examples…

Experian‘s all-month Twitter presence:

Will they give higher credit ratings if they see charges from Grindr? If not, what is Experian doing for the 2SLGBTQQIA+?


The Pfizer web site:

Not to be left out… Novartis:

From Microsoft, in the search box at the bottom left of the Windows 10 home screen:

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Diversity is our strength, NASA edition

Many moons ago, so to speak, I was a Fortran programmer on the Pioneer Venus project. Here’s a recent tweet from my former employer:

There’s “space for everyone” and “different perspectives” are valuable. But on the other hand, there is no space for perspectives from taxpayers who fund the agency.

Also, why is it just “LGBTQI+”? Why not 2SLGBTQQIA+?

Finally, if the future of the galaxy is female, according to Science and the baseball cap below, why does NASA hire anyone who identifies as of the 73 other genders recognized by Science? Why is “diversity” better than betting on the winning gender?


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Science requires that teenagers receive gender-affirming care…

“First in the nation gender-affirming care ban struck down in Arkansas” (from state-sponsored NPR):

The ruling by U.S. District Judge James Moody Jr. on Tuesday says the state of Arkansas violated several sections of the U.S. Constitution when it banned all gender-affirming treatments for people under 18. The 80-page ruling says depriving trans minors of treatments like hormone therapy would cause them irreparable harm, and that delaying care until adulthood would force teens to go through changes inconsistent with their gender identity.

“Rather than protecting children or safeguarding medical ethics, the evidence showed that the prohibited medical care improves the mental health and well-being of patients and that, by prohibiting it, the State undermined the interests it claims to be advancing,” the ruling reads. “The testimony of well-credentialed experts, doctors who provide gender-affirming medical care in Arkansas, and families that rely on that care directly refutes any claim by the State that the Act advances an interest in protecting children.”

This is not a political decision. Science requires that teenagers get injected with hormones and have various body parts cut off surgically. It is settled Science that youngsters who receive gender affirming care have improved mental health and well-being.

On the other hand… What did Science tell the folks who run the widely admired technocratically managed universal government-run health care system over in the United Kingdom? “England’s health service won’t give puberty blockers to children at gender clinics” (New York Post, June 11, 2023):

The NHS said the new rules were “an interim policy” that would undergo further review, including the outcome of a research study on the impact puberty-suppressing hormones have on gender dysphoria in children and young people. Findings published last year from a review of children’s gender services led by a pediatrician, Dr. Hilary Cass, said there were “gaps in the evidence base” about the blockers.

The “gaps in the evidence” identified in the U.K. simply do not exist for judges in the U.S.

Separately, what if you’re visiting a teenage recipient of gender-affirming care in a hospital in Arkansas and want to look fashionable? Levi’s has you covered for about $1,000 (photos from yesterday):

Bigger budget? Photos from a Coach store:

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Rainbow-first Retail (examples from Bozeman, Montana)

I hope that your Pride Month is going well. Let’s talk about the intersection between Pride and commerce….

In some sense it isn’t surprising that retailers would have some percentage of their stores devoted to 2SLGBTQQIA+ merchandise because at least some percentage of customers will want items that broadcast their passion for the Rainbow Flag Religion (see “Nothing against LGBTQ people, but they talk about being LGBTQ all the time.”). On the other hand, unless we think that followers of Rainbow Flagism are the majority of customers, it seems odd that 2SLGBTQQIA+ merchandise is right in the front of the store, given greater prominence than everything else that customers might want.

It wasn’t Pride Month last month, but retailers in Bozeman, Montana nonetheless were following a principle that I’m going to call Rainbow-first Retail, in which every customer will be exposed to 2SLGBTQQIA+ merchandise prior to the rest of the shopping experience.

Let’s start at Target. A shopper who comes in to get a toaster, a bottle of aspirin, or a bag of Cheetos must first walk by Pride Island, which is placed just inside the main doors:

Only haters would suggest that Rainbow Flagism is a religion rather than Science, yet Target sells a gingerbread-house-like kit labeled “celebratory offering” (bottom row below; click to enlarge):

You can “Spread the Love” with a spatula by Alice Butts:

I quickly found 2SLGBTQQIA+-themed apparel in sizes down to 3T (for three-year-olds):

What if Mindy the Crippler demands to be included in Pride Month? We can cover her unsightly golden fur with a beautiful rainbow “crop top” in the “pride pet apparel” category:

Is it then fair to say that Target has something for everyone? Perhaps not. An aircraft owner friend likes to say “I’m proud of my race and I’m proud of my sexuality” yet Target does not offer clothing celebrating white heterosexuality.

What if we’re having our 2SLGBTQQIA+ friends over for a party? Target sells 2SLGBTQQIA+ beverages:

The local merchants actually pushed Rainbow Flagism out to the storefront with flags in the windows and stickers on the glass. Customers are required to pay obeisance to the sacred flag before they can walk in and think about transacting business.

Quite a few merchants had the following signs and stickers on their front doors/windows:

Note that Muslims are lumped in with “LGBTQ community members”. We didn’t meet any recent migrants from Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, or Somalia, but I wonder if they feel “welcome here” when they must walk by a giant rainbow flag in order to get food at the downtown market:

“Everyone Welcome” is stenciled on the glass. Would Ron DeSantis be welcome? Wouldn’t that be normalizing hate?

Speaking of Ron DeSantis, notorious for banning books in a state where all 2SLGBTQQIA+ books for kids remain available for free at the public library, the principal bookstore in Bozeman proudly sells for cash those “banned books” that remain available for free at the Florida public libraries.

Maybe “asexual pride” is for married heterosexual guys? (“Only 48% of married women want regular sex after four years”).

If the bookstore window was 100% devoted to 2SLGBTQQIA+, did they have anything inside on a different topic? Pulitzer winner about the greatest American of the 21st century:

Circling back to the “immigrants welcome” theme, locals told us that Bozeman has become completely unaffordable due to skyrocketing rents and house prices. Traffic lights are being added so quickly that we stopped at several that weren’t yet in Google Maps. Apartment buildings are being constructed in what were formerly low-rise neighborhoods. Example:

Here’s data from Zillow:

Unless immigrants are going to be sheltered by say-gooders, won’t population expansion via immigration exacerbate the already-identified “housing for humans crisis”? Here’s a coffee shop that welcomes migrants, but excludes Canine-Americans:

In addition to welcoming “All Countries of Origin” they welcome “All Religions” but have a rainbow sticker on the front door as well:

How can an observant Muslim feel welcome?

Here’s a shop that features, on the outside of the building, a dark-skinned person with a substantial bulge in the panties:

We didn’t see a single person with this skin color during two days in Bozeman.

Circling back to the Rainbow-first Retail theme of this post… why is it profitable? Why does the typical customer want to be reminded to observe Rainbow Flagism when going into a store to buy something that isn’t related to the 2SLGBTQQIA+ lifestyle?

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