Inflation Inflation (aviation life rafts)

This year let’s give thanks for not having been killed at any point during the preceding 12 months. And let’s also give thanks to the engineers behind the technologies that make it possible to survive a plane landing in the ocean or a boat sinking in the ocean. The PLB/EPIRB is critical, of course, but even ChatGPT can’t come up with the names of individual engineers whom we should thank. Same story with the latest smartphones, which are capable of sending distress calls to satellites. If rescue doesn’t arrive immediately, it is important to get out of the colder-than-body-temp, possibly-shark-infested water, and that’s where a life raft comes in. ChatGPT credits Horace H. Day for an 1846 “Portable India-rubber boat” (U.S. Patent No. 4356) and “Peter Halkett, a British Royal Navy officer who, in the early 1840s, designed an inflatable boat using Macintosh cloth.” So let’s give Messrs. Day and Halkett a thank-you today!

Aviation life rafts are supposed to be recertified every 1-5 years, depending on model and packaging. The raft gets unfolded, I think, and then a technician checks for leaks and condition before folding it all back up. The manufacturer of our 16-lb. 4-man raft charged $115 for this service in 2018, plus an additional $100 for an every-five-years cylinder overhaul. This month I got a quote for the same service on the same raft… 450 Bidies plus 200 additional Bidies for the cylinder. It’s mostly the same people at the same company in the same SE Florida location, yet the five-year cost for keeping the raft certified (this is an older model so it has a one-year interval) has gone from $675 to $2,450, inflation of over 260%. It will require some creativity to come up with a way to be grateful for this increase, though we are assured by the New York Times that our wages have gone up far more than 260 percent during the Biden-Harris administration.

Here’s what a modern minimum-size/weight raft looks like:

Here’s a video of the gold standard Winslow raft being inspected:

Why not use the gold standard, you might ask? A Winslow 4-man raft is 2X the weight and bulk. Every lb. counts in aviation! A Switlik is even heavier, but has a five-year service interval.

It looks easy in this video…


  • Coronapanic Consequences: life rafts (2023; everyone was back-ordered): “Switlik is a supplier to the U.S. Coast Guard, which presumably knows water at least as well as Dr. Fauci knows SARS-CoV-2.”
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Leftover Inflation?

We are informed by the Biden-Harris administration and media allies (“America’s fight with inflation has been won”, noted the Guardian a few days ago) that inflation has been vanquished. I wonder if there is a significant “leftover inflation” yet to come, though, from companies and people who neglected to raise prices or who were locked into long-term agreements during the core years of Bidenflation. The guys who push buttons at container ports recently won a 62 percent raise (ABC). Boeing workers recently won a 43 percent raise (NYT). A friend who owns an expensive-yet-crummy compound of wooden structures in Vermont (and a Grenadier INEOS that he loves) and rents a cottage out was just hit with a 100 percent increase by his long-time cleaner. I myself was recently hit by a 33 percent increase by the cleaner of the Harvard Square condo that I still own and rent out via AirBnB (cleaning cost up 60 percent compared to 2019). AT&T workers recently won what might be a 30 percent wage increase (wages boosted plus health insurance contributions lowered; the union).

The above-cited increases in costs must eventually be reflected in higher prices to consumers for (a) goods that come in via container ports, (b) airline tickets, (c) vacation rentals, (d) Internet and cable TV service. And the higher costs faced by consumers should lead to demands for higher wages in a classic Jimmy Carter-era wage-price spiral (I always predict this and, until the Biden-Harris-Whoever-Has-Actually-Been-Running-The-Country administration, was always proven wrong).

Today the wise minds of the Federal Reserve who at least partially authored Bidenflation will set interest rates. Readers: Who wants to predict what they announce and, more important, what official inflation (which doesn’t include most of the stuff that you’d spend money on, e.g., buying a house) will be on July 15, 2025, by which time the rate set today might have had some effect.

My prediction for the CPI released on July 15, 2025 is 3 percent. I’ll schedule a blog post to check this! Meanwhile, if you have 100,000 Bidies to spend on a 1970s tech Land Rover Series III-style vehicle made by a British billionaire who is a tax refugee living in Monaco… the Grenadier:

The above is the web site of the SE Florida dealer and features the rocky terrain that might be encountered on Ocean Drive in Miami Beach.

Update: The Fed did the expected thing and cut its rate by 0.25 percent.


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Cueflation of 40 percent compared to 2021

Back in 2021, I ordered a 42-inch pool cue so that the youngsters could enjoy the landlord’s pool table:

They’re getting taller and we’ve moved to an 8′ table (see Buying a pool table) so they’re overdue for a longer cue. Out of curiosity, I went back to the retailer’s site and found the same American-made McDermott K97B cue. The price has gone up 40 percent to $105:

(Actually, the market-clearing price is presumably higher than $105 because the cue is out of stock whereas it was in stock for immediate shipment when I ordered back in 2021. For a proper understanding of inflation we also need to adjust for availability because an item that one must order weeks or months in advance isn’t as valuable as an item that will be delivered as soon as needed. See Is inflation already at 15-30 percent if we hold delivery time constant? (2021).)

What does the official government CPI calculator say about inflation since August 2021? The $75 item should cost $86 if the government numbers are accurate.

(The Chinese-made Vector cue that I got for myself has gone up to $126, representing inflation of roughly 17 percent. That’s reasonably consistent with China’s low inflation rate over the past three years combined with high American inflation for the retailer’s services, domestic shipping, etc.)

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$250,000 to build a 20,000-square-foot house

We visited the Pabst Mansion in Milwaukee on our way to Oshkosh. It was completed in 1892 at a cost of $250,000 for 20,000 square feet. Although we are informed that we live in an inflation-free society today, thanks to the efforts of our wise political leaders in Washington, D.C., the $250,000 back then is roughly equivalent to $8.6 million now (the official BLS calculator goes back only to 1913). So that would be $430 per square foot for a house built in two years.

Rich people had a lot of friends back then…

It was a great tour, but I didn’t learn why Pabst went from the world’s largest brewer to being a niche supplier. They didn’t advertise their allegiance to the Rainbow Flag Religion (Bud Light never recovered). Wikipedia says “Pabst’s sales reached a peak of 15.6 million US barrels (1.86 billion litres) in 1978 before they entered into a steep decline”. Today, the company is headquartered in Texas and the brewing is done by contractors.

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Price change for auto insurance in our inflation-free economy

State Farm, January 19: $936 + $884 = $1820 for six months of car insurance.

State Farm, July 20: $1049 + $1001 = $2050 for six months of insurance.

That’s a 12.6 percent increase in half a year. If we weren’t assured that we live in an inflation-free economy, we would call that “25 percent/year inflation”.

(It’s the same two cars and, ordinarily, they would be worth less every six months. Thus, the rate of increase is actually higher than 25 percent (but it is not “inflation”).)

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Inflation in our inflation-free economy

We are informed that the Biden-Harris team has whipped inflation, e.g., from state-sponsored PBS, February 2024: “Inflation is nearly back to 2 percent.” (“inflation nearly conquered”)

What’s happened to prices since February?

Here’s the menu at the Orange County airport McDonald’s, March 13, 2024:

The same menu on July 31, 2024:

The pictures were taken 140 days apart, which is 0.38 years. In other words, to get an approximation of the annual price change we have to multiply the price change rate between the two photos by 365/140.

The Big Mac meal is $14.18, up from $13.08. That’s a rise of 8.4 percent, adjusted to an annual rate = 21.9 percent.

How about the Royale with Cheese (Deluxe, of course)? That’s up from $13.41 to $14.84, a lift of 10.6 percent. If we didn’t live in an inflation-free society, that would be an annual inflation rate of 27.8 percent.

Also on July 31, 2024, a friend who does some software consulting work decided to raise his hourly rate from $350 to $425 (a 21.4 percent increase).

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71 percent annual inflation rate for umbrella insurance

Opening the mailbox in our inflation-free economy, I found the following had been forwarded from my mother’s old address in Maryland:

This is a $1 million Maryland-based umbrella policy for mom, whose underlying auto policy was canceled some years ago (my father died in 2021, shortly after receiving the second Pfizer COVID vaccine shot and stopped driving a few years before that). The increase from $133.81 to $228.44 in a year is a 71 percent annual inflation rate.

I canceled the policy because (a) it isn’t valid if the policyholder lacks underlying insurance, (b) I don’t expect mom to do a lot of physical damage with her walker, and (c) $1 million isn’t enough to cover even a tiny fraction of the damages ladled out by juries when a non-physical injury is found (see E. Jean Carroll, for example, who suffered $83 million in damage to her reputation when her veracity was questioned).

In other news from our inflation-free economy… “Nationwide says it’s dropping thousands of pet insurance policies due to inflation” (CNN):

Nationwide Pet, the country’s largest provider of pet insurance, says it is dropping about 100,000 policies between now and next summer to keep up with spiraling costs in vet care.

The move comes as other types of insurance, from homeowners to vehicles, are increasingly becoming harder to obtain for many Americans.

“Inflation in the cost of veterinary care and other factors have led to recent underwriting changes and the withdrawal of some products in some states — difficult actions that are necessary to ensure a financially sustainable future for our pet insurance line of business,” Nationwide said in an announcement last week.

I can’t figure out which 100,000 policies they’d choose to drop. If inflation in vet costs is a nationwide (so to speak) phenomenon, how does it help to pick certain policies to drop and others to keep? By breed? Age of dog?

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New York Times: Cash-strapped consumers get “relief” via higher prices

“Inflation Moderated Slightly in April, Offering Some Relief for Consumers” (NYT, May 15):

The Consumer Price Index climbed 3.4 percent in April from a year earlier, down from 3.5 percent in March, the Labor Department said on Wednesday. The “core” index — which strips out volatile food and fuel prices in order to give a sense of the underlying trend — rose 3.6 percent last month, down from 3.8 percent a month earlier. It was the lowest annual increase in core inflation since early 2021.

The report followed three straight months of uncomfortably rapid price increases that rattled investors and worried policymakers at the Federal Reserve. Economists cautioned that one month of encouraging data was far from enough to put those worries to rest. But they said that the data should ease concerns, at least for now, that inflation is re-accelerating.

If you couldn’t afford stuff previously, therefore, you’ll be “relieved” to learn that prices are yet higher.

Even more confidence-inspiring… an 81-year-old who never took an economics class is tackling what non-NYT readers might perceive as a problem:

“I know many families are struggling, and that even though we’ve made progress we have a lot more to do,” Mr. Biden said in a statement released by the White House. He called bringing down inflation his “top economic priority.”

If you don’t like higher prices, it’s “progress” when prices are higher every month. Maybe it doesn’t matter that the president hasn’t taken economics because he/she/ze/they is advised by expert economists? Let’s look at the chair of Joe Biden’s Council of Economic Advisors:

Bernstein stated he grew up in a “musical family” and aspired to be a professional musician as a young person. Bernstein graduated with a bachelor’s degree in music from the Manhattan School of Music where he studied double bass with Orin O’Brien. Throughout the ’80s, Bernstein was a mainstay on the jazz scene in NYC.

He also earned a Master of Social Work from Hunter College as well as a DSW in social welfare from Columbia University’s school of social work

(He’s so old that he could get to class at Columbia without pushing through a thicket of tents and Palestinian flags!)

The NYT deceptively charts CPI since 1965 without noting that the definition has changed dramatically over this period. The reader is left with the impression that things were far worse during the Jimmy Carter “malaise years”:

Larry Summers and friends, though, show us what the chart would look if you simply undid the big change from 1983 to use a fictitious rent measure rather than actual housing costs. In fact, Bidenflation is roughly comparable in intensity to the inflation that Americans suffered as a consequence of the Kennedy/Johnson expansions of the welfare state and the Kennedy/Johnson decisions to enter the Vietnam War (Carter gets blamed for this, but the seeds were sown in the 1960s).

Mostly I find the above fascinating as an example of journalism that purports to be neutral and skeptical yet in fact is primarily propaganda about the great job that our rulers are doing.

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Checking in on inflation

Back in 2020, a former UK central banker predicted raging post-coronapanic inflation followed by 3-4 percent annual inflation rates starting at the end of 2022 and continuing for decades (see Inflation prediction to check in 2028). Here’s the official chart of CPI, mostly fraud because it doesn’t include the actual cost of housing:

(see “Summers: Inflation Reached 18% In 2022 Using The Government’s Previous Formula” (Forbes) for a discussion of an NBER paper)

What are you all seeing? A painting contractor in Cambridge did not start a project that he’d been hired to do last year. It had been scheduled for the fall of 2023. He demanded 20 percent more to do the same work starting in the spring of 2024, an inflation rate of 40 percent.

At the Flour bakery in Harvard Square, a $72 pie:

At a McDonald’s on the Mass Pike in western Maskachusetts, $15 for a standard meal including tax:

Although we did not pony up $72 for a pie, the Flour bakery experience was worth the $40 that my friend paid for our take-out lunch (two sandwiches, a drink, a brownie, tax, and tip). The line included not only an apparently young healthy female in an N95 mask but also a woman wearing a Palestinian keffiyeh-patterned sweater. As a bonus, this high-priced establishment sports a Black Lives Matter sign in the front window:

I’m not sure how retailers decide which social justice cause to support. Patagonia, which demanded eye-popping prices before Joe Biden made them popular, doesn’t care about Black Lives and instead proudly displays its allegiance to Rainbow Flagism:

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The Admin Fee at a restaurant

Happy Tax Day for those in the U.S. and also U.S. citizens who live abroad and get no services from the U.S. but still must pay taxes (consider the U.S. citizens held hostage by Gazans, for example).

How about a new 3 percent tax from a restaurant on the restaurant and kept by the restaurant, couched as an “Admin Fee” on the receipt?

One of my companions asked what it was for. The waiter responded, “It’s a fee that we incur to keep our prices competitive.”

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