Medical School 2020, Year 2, Week 9

From our anonymous insider…

Classmates are enjoying the flipped classroom format, especially because class begins at 9:00 am instead of 8:00 am. Type-A Anita: “I do not even watch the online lectures. I prepare for lecture by watching the corresponding Pathoma videos. It solidifies the material when we go over cases in the workshops.”

A tall Russian-immigrant pulmonologist in his late 50s introduces diseases of the pleura. Pleura is a thin membrane that runs along the inside border of the chest wall and outside border of the lung forming an air-sealed fluid sac called the pleural space. (Embryologically, the lung bud from the esophagus actually grows into this pleural sac like a fist going into a balloon). The pleural space links chest wall expansion to lung expansion. Chest wall expansion produces a negative pleural pressure that expands the lungs.

A pneumothorax occurs when air gets into the pleural space, thus destroying the negative pressure gradient that holds the lung expanded (-5 cmH20). This can occur spontaneously, typically in “long and thin” men, when a small section of lung parenchyma ruptures the visceral pleura, creating a connection between small airways and the pleural sac. It can also happen from trauma when the parietal pleural membrane is punctured. Tension pneumothorax, a life-threatening complication of a pneumothorax, occurs during trauma when the punctured pleura forms a one-way valve allowing air in on inspiration but not on expiration. The pleural pressure can get so high that it displaces the heart in the thorax.

A pleural effusion is a buildup of fluid in the pleural space. This causes increased intrapleural pressure and displacement of the lungs and potentially heart in the thorax. The fluid can be composed of plasma ultrafiltrate (transudate) suggested of inflammation or exudate (“a pus filled mess”). Pneumonia (infection of lung parenchyma) frequently leads to a harmless transudative pleural effusion, but the bacteria can migrate into the pleural space causing an exudative empyema. “Never let the sun set on an empyema. This is a medical emergency.”

Mesothelioma, a rare complication of asbestos exposure, is cancer of the pleura. “Most of my asbestos-exposure patients were in the Navy, stationed either in shipyards or on ships. I ask them if they were exposed to asbestos. They respond, ‘Oh yeah. I would go to the engine room and particles would be falling down.'”

“All of the data on the risks of asbestos exposure is from studying construction workers during the 1960s skyscraper boom in New York City.” Asbestos exposure in the absence of smoking history is associated with a 6-fold increase in lung cancer. According to UpToDate, “asbestos exposure acts synergistically with cigarette smoking to increase the risk of developing lung cancer (not mesothelioma) 60 times over that of a similarly matched non-smoking, non-asbestos-exposed cohort.” The pulmonologist: “The Board loves to test that mesothelioma is far less common than lung cancer or pulmonary fibrosis from asbestos exposure.”

If lung cancer is a more common consequence of asbestos exposure, why so many commercials from plaintiffs’ lawyers looking for mesothelioma patients? “Lawyers salivate over a mesothelioma case because it is no work. There is a one-one causal relationship between mesothelioma and asbestos exposure. Smoking is not a risk factor for developing mesothelioma. The defense cannot say it was lifestyle choices or smoking that led to the disease.”

An invasive pulmonologist in her 50s discussed lung cancer for two hours. An invasive pulmonologist gets one to two years of training after a pulmonary fellowship and three-year internal medicine residency (i.e., there is no pulmonary residency, only the post-residency fellowship). With this additional training, an invasive pulmonologist can perform procedures such as a biopsy and bronchial thermoplasty (burning airway smooth muscle for non-responsive asthma). Symptoms of lung cancer are nonspecific. These include dyspnea, cough, cachexia (wasting, sudden weight loss), hemoptysis (coughing blood), and pleural effusion (from metastasis to pleura or to lymph nodes draining the pleura). “The most important aspect is to recognize the chronicity of the symptoms versus a more acute episode of pneumonia.”

Smoking is the most important risk factor for lung cancer. She defines a non-smoker as “someone who has had fewer than 100 cigarettes in his or her lifetime.” Smoking also causes the more aggressive forms of cancer: squamous cell carcinoma and small cell carcinoma (SCC). “SCC has a proclivity to metastasize to the brain. We treat SCC with prophylaxis brain radiation because by the time we can detect it in the brain it is too late.”

She then went over the staging system for lung cancers. “Staging is important to be able to give the patient an estimate of his or her life expectancy. I would expect my fellows to be able to give an accurate stage. I just expect you to know the different components that go into staging.” Staging incorporates the tumor size, nodal involvement, and presence of metastasis. “Lower stages are typically dealt with through surgical resection of a lung lobe and resection of any lymph nodes. Higher stages require chemotherapy.”

Gigolo Giorgio asked the pulmonologist her thoughts on e-cigarettes. “E-cigs are such a new product. Each tobacco company uses a different formula. A new FDA regulation requires tobacco companies to release the full set of ingredients used in the vapor. I will withhold judgement until this information is analyzed.” She did mention that she has noticed a rise in fungal pneumonia cases among e-cig smokers.

Gigolo Giorgio, true to his Los Angeles roots: What about pot? “That’s also a tough question. There are no studies that show an increased risk of lung cancer that I know. When my patients tell me they smoke pot, I cannot tell them to stop for fear of getting lung cancer. Cancer patients? I say go for it.”

She described how the second cause of lung cancer is radon exposure. Radon exposure increases the risk for adenocarcinoma, a less aggressive form of lung cancer compared to smoking-associated small cell and squamous cell carcinoma. “If you live in a high radon state, make sure you get a radon inspection. My house was off the charts. I had a radon mitigation system installed.”

Our patient case: Beth, a 45-year-old spunky sarcastic mother of three, presents to her physician for worsening shortness of breath and joint pain. A chest x-ray reveals hilar infiltrates (enlarged lymph nodes of the lung). She was referred to a tertiary hospital for follow-up.

“I was diagnosed for three years with asthma. When I finally was referred to the university hospital for biopsy I was almost relieved.” She drove three hours for her lung biopsy appointment. “When I was called back from the waiting room, the nurse grabbed my hand and started praying. I was like, ‘Damn, Woman, what are you doing?’ I did not realize I was in the OR. I did not sign up for this!” Her lung biopsy revealed non-caseating (no necrosis) granulomas diagnostic for sarcoidosis.

Sarcoidosis is a systemic inflammatory disorder that causes granulomas, a collection of immune cells formed in an attempt to wall off a substance. The soft-spoken Indian pulmonologist explained, “We have made incredible progress in understanding sarcoidosis. This mostly shows how little we knew ten years ago and how far we have to go. We still do not know what causes this immune response. It likely is an unknown substance that certain individual’s macrophages cannot deal with.” These granulomas can form anywhere in the body, but sarcoidosis almost always involves the lungs. “Patients are diagnosed due to shortness of breath from the pulmonary fibrosis or on incidental findings.”

Beth has a lot to say about her physicians. “I cannot stand when the doctor comes in and says, ‘So what brings you in today?’ Look at my damn chart. Spend two seconds getting to know me. I once told a physician, ‘Well I was learning to twerk on the kitchen table and fell. That’s what causing my joint pain, not my sarcoidosis on my chart.’.”

Beth is managed with glucocorticoids and methotrexate (folate synthesis inhibitor) to reduce her immune system response. These have greatly improved her joint pain and lung function, but have lead to significant weight gain. “Laugh all you want. Call me Fatso.” She explained how frustrating it is that people around her, both strangers and close family members, attribute her weight gain to laziness. “It does not matter how much I eat or exercise. I will just keep putting on weight. It makes me depressed. I cope with it with humor, by poking fun at myself. I would not wish this even on my worst enemy… my ex-husband. And I hate him.”

Beth has not had to increase her dosage for two years. Most patients will regress and require more intensive pharmacologic agents. “I am hopeful I can continue this lifestyle. I view my disease as that devil on your shoulder. He’s always there, and I hope I can keep him silent for a little longer.”

This week’s ethics session: “Distributive Justice”. Before the lecture and small group meeting, we read several papers and completed a quiz:

True or False: The Affordable Care Act can be viewed as an effort to mandate distributive justice in the United States? Lanky Luke had a field day: “I was going to put false. Then I remembered a liberal probably wrote it.” [Editor: sometimes justice is not fully distributed; more than 30 million Americans were without health insurance in mid-2017, seven years after Obamacare was enacted.]

True or False: Distributive justice refers to the fair and equitable distribution of goods and services.

Which of the following strategies for eliminating healthcare disparities is the most difficult to implement? Answer: Collection of standardized data on patient and provider race and ethnicity.

One required paper was “Ushering In The New Era Of Health Equity” by Joseph R. Betancourt: (Health Affairs Blog, October 31, 2016):

several promising opportunities are on the horizon … activities focused on diversity and inclusion, and especially new conversations about racism, implicit bias, and stereotyping as root causes for disparities, are bubbling up now more than ever before. This is likely a direct consequence of the coverage of police violence against Black citizens, the Black Lives Matter movement, and the current and toxic political climate around race relations.

Luke: “My problem is not that they are making us read these articles. It is important to keep an open mind to new information. My problem is that they state their opinions as fact. Their job is not to indoctrinate us, but to provide the tools and resources for us to make our own opinions.”

[Editor: Dr. Betancourt thought that the political climate was “toxic” in October 2016; imagine how he felt after Donald Trump was elected in November!]

Another article contained an interview with the physician president of a free clinic. He explained how they had planned to close down the clinic after the passage of the ACA. “Little did we know we would have more business than ever before from people with high-deductible plans not able to pay for small checkups and medications. Of the 4 million dollars in services we provide now, about 3 million go to the pharmacy.”

An endowed university professor of ethics and member of the ethics committee at the hospital introduced the topic with a 1.5-hour lecture. He proposed that people agree on two principles:: (1) a decent minimum access for all, and (2) better or faster care for those who can afford it. [Editor’s note: this is what most countries around the world, from Mexico to the U.K. to Russia, actually do provide. The public hospitals are free and can be reasonably good; private hospitals and doctors are available for the rich. They manage to do this while spending only a fraction of what U.S. society spends.]

He gave a personal story about Canada’s attempt to provide gold-plated service for all: “I used to teach in Canada. My daughter went to an ophthalmologist where she was told she may have brain cancer and needed an

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Did Larry Nassar have a childhood?

Newspapers, TV networks, and my Facebook feed are all filled today with stories about Dr. Larry Nassar being sentenced to up to 175 years in prison for abusing patients. As a practical matter it is unclear that there is any significance to this sentence because the 54-year-old was previously sentenced to 60 years in prison (i.e., until he turns 114) for possession of child pornography.

None of the articles mention anything about this 54-year-old guy having parents or having had a childhood and, if so, what he was like as a child and as a teenager. Yet I would have thought that people would be interested to know if there were any signs back then that he was on track to be sentenced to 235 years in prison.

Readers: Have you ever seen anything about Dr. Nassar’s parents? An article interviewing a brother or sister? An article interviewing someone who knew him in high school?

[Separately, it seems unlikely that abused patients can get money out of Dr. Nassar via civil lawsuits. Nassar’s wife sued him in January 2017 and presumably took the house, the cash, etc.]


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After Tesla tanks can their machine vision engineers build restaurant AI?

“Tesla Is Last In the Driverless Vehicle Race, Report Says” (US News) says that Tesla was good at solving the trivial problems and now the legacy car manufacturers are preparing to strike back with solutions to the hard problems presented by self-driving vehicles.

Suppose that Tesla does run out of customers anxious to pay $130,000 for second-rate tech. What can all of its machine vision programmers do?

How about build AI monitors for restaurant quality of service? The “eye in the ceiling” looks for empty water glasses, empty bread baskets, customers who’ve put down their menus and are ready to order, customers who have put down their silverware and therefore may be considered ready for table clearance.

With minimum wage heading up to $15/hour, restaurants will be short-staffed. A Tesla-developed eye-in-the-ceiling could help the remaining waitstaff allocate their time and effort in the most efficient way possible (also avoid those one-star Yelp reviews!).

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Medical School 2020, Year 2, Week 8

From our anonymous insider…

Our block coordinator, a PhD in physiology, is attempting to execute a flipped classroom for the six-week cardiopulmonary and hematology block. We have about 3 hours of online lectures recorded by various physicians to watch at home every week before synthesis sessions with physicians going over cases. The coordinator assured the class that she has set it up to be the same amount of total class and lecture hours, consistent with LCME guidelines.

The main textbook resource for this year is Robbins and Cotran’s Pathological Basis of Disease. Upperclassmen recommended that we purchase a $95 subscription to Pathoma, an online organ-based video atlas covering high-yield pathologies. Many of us are watching the lectures at 1.5x speed, pausing to replay sections that are confusing or to check Wikipedia. Lanky Luke surmised, “This is the future of medical education. There are so many educational resources now. Most of our class would give up lectures if it saved $10,000 of tuition.” The five classmates at lunch immediately agreed. Gigolo Giorgio: “Half the class does not even attend lectures.” Straight-Shooter Sally: “I think it would allow medical schools to focus on emerging technologies and practical challenges in medicine. We could use that money to invest in ultrasound, EMR training, and memorable patient interactions.”

An internist specializing in viruses lectures on upper and lower respiratory infections. “I know it may not be politically correct, but the most common cause of immunodeficiency is pregnancy. Every month we have a couple 20-something-year-old pregnant women admitted requiring mechanical ventilation. They have another child in daycare that brings home RSV [respiratory syncytial virus] or the flu.” He explained how the emergence of new influenza strains commonly originate in regions of the world where there are close living situations between humans and animals hosts such as birds in Southeast Asia. Flu strains in birds produce new viral proteins that can infect human respiratory cells (genetic shift) and cause a pandemic.

A PhD respiratory physiologist from the hospital, in his late 30s, leads a workshop on mechanical ventilation with example patient cases for COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) exacerbation, pulmonary fibrosis, and asthma. Three respiratory therapists, the oldest in his mid-twenties, joined for the workshop. They were helpful in offering patient examples for our questions. A student commented, “How did they know about this career growing up in high school?” (BLS shows that respiratory therapists need an Associate’s degree and, in 2016, earned median pay of $58,670 per year.)

During a break, a classmate asks why the asthma case had normal oxygen saturation despite poor ventilation. “Hold your breath… Please don’t pass out though. [student holds breath for a few seconds.] What is making your drive to breath is not your drop in PO2 [partial pressure of oxygen]. You have enough oxygen and a high enough pressure gradient in your alveoli to maintain your blood oxygen saturation for several minutes. It is the buildup of CO2. A patient even with status asthmaticus [severe exacerbation of asthma that no longer responds to brochodilators] should have normal oxygen saturation levels. If O2 levels drop, that patient is in really bad shape.”

The respiratory physiologist explains why he got interested in physiology. “When I was a kid I had terrible uncontrolled asthma. I grew up on a farm in rural Iowa. My parents just took my occasional gasping for panic attacks. One time I had a really bad episode. Fortunately, we had come into town, and so they took me to the nearby family physician’s office where I got an inhaler.”

Before we arrived, he had connected mechanical ventilators to a dummy lung bag. In groups of three we learned about the different ventilator modes and settings. “When you place an order for mechanical ventilation, there are several things you need to include. The first step is specifying volume control or pressure control. For pressure control, you specify the peak inspiratory pressure, the rate, the fraction of inspired oxygen and the PEEP [positive end-expiratory pressure].” During inspiration from full exhalation, significant energy must be used to open compressed alveoli. Alveolar recruitment is maintained by holding the lungs at or above PEEP. “PEEP is your friend. Use it.” He demonstrated PEEP by attaching a respiratory bag to the cut trachea of a fresh pig lung. “See how difficult it is to inflate the lung when it is collapsed. [5 cmH20 PEEP added.] Now try, much easier to inflate, right?”

We also learned about plateau pressure to ensure we don’t “pop the lungs”. Lung inflation requires overcoming the resistance of the airways and stretching the lung tissue (compliance of the lung comprised of the surface tension and lung tissue matrix). “It is okay to use high pressures to overcome obstructed airways. It is not okay to use high pressures to open alveoli. That will cause barotrauma of the lung.” We learned how to measure the static lung compliance versus the airway resistance by measuring the pressure required to hold the lung at tidal volume at the end of inspiration. “If this pressure is close to the peak inspiratory pressure used to inflate the lung, most of the energy is being used to deform the lung tissue; whereas, if the plateau pressure is close to PEEP, most of the energy is consumed to drive flow through the airways.”

The next day, the same respiratory physiologist gave a lecture on obstructive and restrictive lung disease. Obstructive diseases such as asthma and smoking-related chronic bronchitis and emphysema involve an increased resistance of the airways. Patients feel that air is trapped in their lungs. Obstructive disease can be treated with inhaled steroids and Beta-2 receptor agonists, e.g., albuterol, that cause bronchiole smooth muscle relaxation. Restrictive lung diseases are commonly caused by an occupational exposure such as to asbestos, silica, beryllium, or coal dust. These particles are inhaled into the lower airways where macrophages phagocytose the microscopic particles, but the macrophages are not equipped with enzymes to degrade these particles. Over decades, the inflammation leads to the deposition of extracellular matrix proteins that stiffen the lungs and make it harder to breathe in. The only effective treatment is lung transplant.

Our patient case: Nathaniel, a 68-year-old Air Force veteran, presents to his internist for an annual check up. He was diagnosed with emphysema following a 30-year history of smoking, and pulmonary fibrosis due to asbestos exposure working as a construction foreman after the Air Force. “My wife made me quit cigarettes 20 years ago, well before any of my lung issues. Beginning in my early 60s I started to develop difficulty breathing.”

The pulmonologist explained, “Nate unfortunately has an obstructive and restrictive lung disease that combine to make his pulmonary function even worse.” A normal individual is able to exhale at least 80 percent of his or her maximum inspired volume in the first second of expiration (typically 4 out of 5 liters of lung capacity). Nate is able to expire only 30 percent within the first second. Nate is treated with inhaled steroids, a long-acting Beta-2 agonist inhaler, and a rescue albuterol inhaler as needed. These medications alleviate symptoms. (The traditional age limit for a lung transplant is 65.)

“I get out of breath if I walk up half a flight of stairs. There are a lot of activities I am just no longer able to do,” explained Nathaniel. “It makes me sad. I used to love to hunt and fish. I simply cannot do these any more. It is even difficult to take a walk with my wife.”

This block we have weekly two-hour ethics lecture led by a psychologist, ethicist, or physician (frequently a geriatrician), followed by small group discussions led by a facilitator. This week: “Ethics in the Workplace,” led by a female psychologist. When should a medical student speak up after noticing an error or unethical procedure? Should there be anonymous feedback in the medical field? The psychologist presented a peer-reviewed article that proposes a 5-step method by which a healthcare worker can determine whether to speak up:

  1. The nature and certainty of their judgment
  2. Their specific role in the situation
  3. The potential harm to patient
  4. The probable effectiveness of speaking up
  5. The likely cost to themselves if they speak up

The psychologist introduced the theory of “burdened courage” defined as a “system where there are rigid hierarchies, risky communications, and dysfunctional teams; and where unethical or unprofessional behaviors are ignored.” The psychologist concluded: “We should design an ethical system such that individuals who speak up are not considered heroes. Courage should not be necessary for any health care professional to ask a question or make a suggestion regarding a patient’s care. It should be the norm.”

Lanky Luke’s summary: “Who gets paid for this? I want that job.” Another student responded, “This field exists only because student loans subsidize these academics.”

Statistics for the week… Study: 10 hours. Sleep: 7 hours/night; Fun: 2 nights. Example fun: Our class held a Floyd Mayweather and Conor McGregor Fight watch party. At least 25 students attended, including several M1s. “Much better fight than the Pacquiao fight. I think McGregor did really well. He got so tired at the end.”


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Is there a bureaucratic definition of “romance”?

One of my moles inside the undergraduate mill at MIT got a mass email recently from three bureaucrats: the Provost, the Chancellor, and the VP of Human Resources:

As President Reif recently wrote in a letter to the MIT community, MIT is taking a number of actions to prevent and respond to sexual misconduct. We write today to update you on an expanded conflict of interest policy on consensual relationships among community members.

The new policy was initiated and championed by the Institute’s Committee on Sexual Misconduct Prevention and Response (CSMPR), led by Professor David Singer, Political Science, and has been adopted by MIT’s senior administration. We appreciate the many faculty, students, and staff who provided valuable input during the development of the policy. The final policy is stronger thanks to your engagement, and your commitment to advancing a culture of respect, fairness, and equality.

The last part is an interesting example of groupthink. How do these three bureaucrats know that all 4,500+ undergraduates have a “commitment to advancing a culture of respect, fairness, and equality”? Maybe some of them are committed only getting a degree and starting to repay their loans? Or maybe some of them think that a “culture of respect” prevents frank discussion of scientific errors and engineering shortcomings? Or maybe some of them support equal opportunity, but not “equality” (equal outcomes)?

The policy itself raises an interesting question. For example:

No MIT faculty or staff member may have a sexual or romantic relationship with any undergraduate student. [emphasis added]

In the age of Tinder, who decides what constitutes a “romantic relationship”?

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Medical School 2020, Year 2, Week 7

From our anonymous insider…

Exam week with three exams.

The main three-hour multiple-choice NBME exam consisted of 100 microbiology questions and 50 immunology and dermatology questions. Lanky Luke: “This was the hardest block since the beginning of medical school.” Several students complained about the emphasis on tropical diseases. “There must have been 10 questions on leishmaniasis. Every time I saw that as an answer, I would choose it.” Another student added, “I just felt it was not representative of what we will see on Step I. There were so few on hepatitis.” Several students reflected that they will never understand immunology. Type-A Anita: “I knew going in that I would take a hit on immunology. Oh well.”

The case-based exam asked about five hypothetical patients. It tested appropriate use of antibiotics, and classical “alarm” signs of serious imminent danger, for example, patient with sore throat who has difficulty swallowing and drooling may have epiglottitis with the potential to close off the airway. The clinical exam tested adult immunization schedules, screening guidelines, and dermatology pictures. Type-A Anita: “I know we need to know these, but I crammed the day before for immunizations and screening. I’ve already forgotten them!”

The clinical exam consisted of interviewing standardized patients (paid humans recruited from the community as actors) presenting for pneumonia. We used simulated stethoscopes to hear abnormal breath sounds. The clinical exam tested the same immunization schedules and screening guidelines as the case-based exam.

Recall that we meet three times per week for two-hour “case sessions.” Our facilitator is the redheaded hematologist/oncologist. This is the first time that our six-student group met off campus, sharing margaritas as a Mexican restaurant with our facilitator. We were joined by another case session group and their young emergency medicine facilitator.

Our heme/onc attending described the abrupt shift between fellowship and attending. “Even as a fellow, you have someone to bounce ideas off of, to confirm a diagnosis or treatment plan. It takes a little while to get confidence in yourself as an attending.” She had just returned from her first vacation since becoming an attending. “My husband forced me to go on the trip to the Dominican Republic. It was scary leaving my patients. I remember sitting on the beach with a mamajuana [local drink] and feeling completely relaxed. I realized that I had not felt relaxed since beginning my residency six years ago. And probably not since beginning medical school too!” [Hurricanes Irma and Maria passed through the D.R. a few weeks later.]

The other facilitator brought his wife, an Ob/Gyn, and their three children, the oldest aged eight. When should physicians have children? “We made an active decision not to have children during residency. My wife knows all too well that it is best to begin having children by age 35. This can be a serious constraint for women if they start medical school late. Residency is your training and you need to dedicate yourself to it.” The EM physician said he enjoys shift work. He can dedicate everything when he is there, and upon leaving the ER, “I am clear-headed and can focus on my children and wife.”

“A lot of my residents struggle if they have children,” continued the EM attending. “You will have to sacrifice something. Most of the time it means you will miss soccer games and friends’ birthdays. I find it is especially hard if their significant other is not in the medical world. Nonmedical spouses do not understand that once residents are off their 12-hour shifts, they are not done. After your shift, you hit the books. You study. The one exception is a resident I have now. He will not sacrifice his time with his children so after work he plays with his kids. When they go to bed, he hits the books. He just does not sleep and seems to functions fine thus far… I am not like that.”

After the facilitators left, Jane, Mischievous Mary, Deeva Debbie and I walked over to our favorite burgers and beer spot to work on our 100-beer card. After drinking 100 different beers at this restaurant, you are awarded with an embroidered mechanic shirt. Debbie is a a young Indian-American who dominates the class SnapChat story and Instagram. She journeyed to Portugal over the most recent break for a trip with two high school friends.

The women continued the conversation of children over beers. Debbie lamented, “I have no idea when I will be able to have children.” Mary reflected, “I now understand why my parents got divorced. My father was a internal medicine resident when they had two children. He was always gone. My mom had to everything: feed us, drive us, discipline us. She always felt like the bad guy. When my father was home, he would just want to play with us. There was just no time for my parents.” It always surprises me how many male physician lecturers in their 40s are not wearing a wedding ring. [Editor’s note: Our young medical student might want to read Real World Divorce and learn about the world of sexual and financial freedom opened up by no-fault divorce to any plaintiff suing a physician.]

After a well-deserved nap, Jane and I attended our classmate’s housewarming party. He and his wife, a marriage counselor, recently moved into a spacious new downtown loft. While people danced in the center, I talked on the sidelines with a 25-year-old classmate whose parents are Iraqi Kurds. His last trip to Iraq was in 2010, his freshman year of college.

I asked for his perspective on Iraq and the Kurdish people. “It’s hard for me to say. Everything I know is from my dad. My family was comfortably settled in the US when it happened. I just remember my father being glued to the TV during the Iraq invasion. He would cheer the U.S. army every step of the way. Saddam gassed my people.” Why has it gone so wrong for both the U.S. and Iraq? “I don’t know. It comes down to the Iraqi people as a whole were not ready for democracy.”

He is eligible to vote in the upcoming referendum on independence (held September 25, 2017; result: 93 percent in favor). “I think now is the best time for independence. We are ready. The state institutions are there and the Peshmerga will defend us against any invader — Turkey, Iran’s militias. It doesn’t matter that we are dispersed in Iraq, Syria, Turkey, and Iran. Everyone might invade us. I am concerned about the state of elections in Kurdistan. Unfortunately the only politicians come from just two families, but it is now or never. I’m voting yes for independence.”

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Medical School 2020, Year 2, Week 6

From our anonymous insider…

One week before exams.

“We are going back to preschool,” said the young female dermatologist. “Dermatology is another language. We start with vocabulary.” She spoke in a monotone voice and enjoyed sadistic humor. “It helps if you know Latin. How many of you took Latin?” Two students raised their hands. She chuckled, “Well… that is too bad.” We went through several images, and described the lesion with the help of a handout with common terms: umbilicated nodule, erythematous maculopapular, scaly serpiginous plaque. The class was surprised to hear that erythroderma (diffuse erythema covering the body) is a “dermatological emergency”. This massive inflammatory response can cause a drop in blood volume and hypotension.

A dermatologic pathologist gave two hour-long lectures on skin histology (study of the microscopic structure of tissues) with slides of normal and diseased skin. I enjoyed seeing how certain skin issues manifested themselves so clearly on histology compared to other organ systems where the pathological manifestation is more subtle. He ended: “Gastroenterologists and dermatologists always argue with each other about what is the largest organ. There is a huge amount of blood flow to the skin. Inflammation frequently leads to skin changes. Think of the skin as a window into the body.”

“Dr. Joel”, a brilliant pedantic rheumatologist in his late 30s with a heavy Jamaican accent, discussed infectious diseases of the skin and immune disorders that manifest with skin symptoms. Roseola (“Sixth Disease” or “three-day fever”) is caused by human herpes virus 6 (HHV6). It is characterized by high fever, which can cause seizures in children, followed by a maculopapular (flat and raised erythematous dots) rash. Several of these childhood illnesses cause serious damage to a fetus if the mother becomes infected during pregnancy. A congenital rubella infection (German measles infection while pregnant) leads to the fetus having microcephaly and a patent ductus arteriosus (PDA). A male student commented, “Could you imagine living two hundred years ago before we understood the role of congenital infections? Your baby comes out as a dwarf or with microcephaly. Must be God’s will.”

These lectures should help us to answer multiple choice Board questions, but we are doubtful about being able to diagnose patients. Lanky Luke: “I feel much of medicine is getting the approval by society to witness disease. This ordained selection process entails paying it to the Man.” Luke thinks that more of our medical training should be an apprenticeship rather than lecture-based.

He got his wish when we went in for an afternoon to the dermatology clinic. Four-person groups crowded into each small examination room to spend 15 minutes with a patient volunteer and a dermatology attending or resident. My group first saw a 30-year-old female who has suffered from neurofibromatosis since she was a teenager. Only when the patient took her gown off did we see the copious neurofibromas (benign tumor of nerve sheaths) covering her body with the peculiar exception of her head and distal extremities (arms and legs). She could walk around in a long-sleeve shirts and slacks without anyone noticing. The patient allowed each of us to palpate her skin. Neurofibromas are thimble-sized fleshy cylindrical nodules with a dark brown color that sag from the skin. They feel mushy, almost like a fluid-filled vesicle. The attending noted, “A lot of patients first try to scratch them off. They return much worse.”

We rotated to the next room and a normal-appearing 50-year-old female. As we examined her more closely, we saw signs of scleroderma. She had sclerodactylyl (localized thickening of skin on fingers and toes) preventing full extension of her fingers. Her lips were permanently pursed with six or seven valley and ridges on the skin adjacent to her lips. “Before treatment with steroids, I could barely move any of my joints because the skin was so tight. I now live a normal life with my family.” Our patient did not have any of the life-threatening manifestations of scleroderma, which can include pulmonary hypertension and pulmonary fibrosis.

We then rotated through a case of eczema and psoriasis. Eczema, also known as dermatitis, is characterized by pruritic (itchy), erythematous (redness that blanches with touch), oozing vesicles (fluid-filled sac) with edema (swelling) typically occurring on flexor surfaces. It is commonly caused by an over-reaction to an exposure such as poison ivy or the metal nickel (e.g., touching dime). Interestingly, eczema is more common in asthmatics. Psoriasis is an inflammatory condition without a known trigger characterized by acanthosis (keratinocyte hyperplasia; thickening of the skin) leading to scaly plaques on the extensor surfaces (e.g., the outside of the elbow). The attending confirmed the psoriasis diagnosis by eliciting the Auspitz sign, bleeding after a pinprick.

Our patient case: Fiona, a 42-year-old female elementary school teacher, presenting for bilateral stiffness and pain in her wrists, fingers, and knees that is worse in the morning. She had her thyroid gland removed (thyroidectomy) in her 20s after diagnosis of Graves’ disease: antibodies that bind to thyroid stimulation hormone receptor causing excessive thyroid hormone release. Her condition is now well-managed with synthroid.

She has been to her doctor several times over the past few years for joint pain in her hands. “I was originally diagnosed with arthritis. I got frustrated with my doctor. He would take an x-ray, prescribe physical therapy, and never follow up.” Over the last two months she has been unable to do several daily activities at work and the pain has begun to interfere with her sex life with her husband. Her proximal interphalangeal joints (proximal knuckle) and wrists are swollen and warm to the touch.

Fiona has rheumatoid arthritis (RA) defined by synovitis (inflammation of the synovium or fluid within joint capsule). The pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis is unknown, but some people are predisposed genetically and there are environmental risk factors, e.g., smoking, which increases the risk of RA up to 40 times in individuals with Shared Epitopes (SE) gene variants of MHC proteins.

Fiona never smoked, although she had the positive ACP titer (measure of antibody concentration in serum) that is typical of smoking-induced RA. She also had other hallmarks of chronic inflammation such as elevated C-reactive peptide (protein produced by liver suggestive of systemic inflammation). The Rheumatologist explained, “The ACP is helpful to know what kind of rheumatoid arthritis I am dealing with. However, once it is present I no longer care about it — think of ACP as a pregnancy test. You can’t get more pregnant once you test positive. Instead, I listen to Fiona’s symptoms and follow her C-reactive peptide levels.”

She was initially prescribed naproxen (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory marketed as “Aleve”; similar to Advil) without any symptom relief. She currently takes methotrexate, a folate synthesis inhibitor used to treat several cancers and inflammatory conditions. “I will still get flare-ups if I over-exert myself, but I am able to be active. I even exercise three times a week on the elliptical.”

Describe the pain before your treatment? “My joint pain was unbearable before I was referred to Dr. Joel. Our family goes to the beach once a year… my one break from teaching. We always have a crab leg feast. I had to stop eating the crabs because my pain would be terrible for several days afterwards. I was bedridden. Perhaps it is punishment for the gluttony.”

Does anyone else in your family have immune disorders? “I know my mother had joint problems. She was never diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis though.”

How does RA affect your family? “I’ve learned my limits now and my husband and kids are truly great about understanding. In the beginning they were a little confused. I still sometimes hear my kids half joke, ‘Oh, Mom isn’t cooking dinner? She is so lazy.’ Even with treatment I still have to be careful how much strain I put on my joints. Scrubbing or cutting too much will cause a bad flare-up that lasts for a few days.”

Dr. Stein, an internist who has been in practice for over 40 years, followed up on the “Motivational Interviewing: Eliciting Patients’ Own Arguments for Change” lecture from two weeks ago. “There are 5 stages of change: precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, and maintenance. We also no longer use the word compliance to describe the degree of a patient following prescriptions and medical advice. We now use the term adherence because it suggests an active role and collaboration of the patient with the doctor and treatment process.”

After one hour and fifteen minutes of theory, Dr. Stein brought in one of his longstanding patients, an overweight female in her late 40s who quit smoking six months ago. She began smoking a pack a day when she was 14. “Smoking was a part of my life. I felt that I would not know what to do if I did not smoke. It helped keep peace in the house. It kept me calm during work.” She described how Dr. Stein would bring up smoking “every single time” she went in. “He said all the right things, but I was just not ready up in the head. The key was I felt comfortable with Dr. Stein. He was not judging me, pointing a finger. When I finally was ready, Dr. Stein leveraged this motivation to help me.” What made you quit smoking? “If you have a big enough why, you will figure out how to quit. I hated seeing my children grow up with me smoking. My father recently had a heart attack — I am sure smoking all his life did not help. I had these two drivers in my mind and I just went cold turkey.” We congratulated her for her smoke-free six months.

Afterwards we divided into four-person groups to present a patient from our clinical shadowing experience. We were fortunate to be presenting to Dr. Stein. Our goal was to practice how to present patients to attendings for Rounds next year and how to write a medical note. The general format of a note: chief complaint in the patient’s own words, History of Present Illness (HPI), Past Medical History (PMH), Medications, Family History, Social History, Review of Systems (RoS), Physical Exam (PE), Assessment, and Plan. The transgender wave has reached daily Rounds: “Don’t use male or female in HPI anymore,” said Dr. Stein. “It’s frowned upon.” After Dr. Stein revealed his fondness for “complementary medicine” (accupuncture, yoga, etc.), Gigolo Giorgio said that Dr. Stein reminded him of someone who had a “midlife crisis and suddenly turned Zen.”

We wrapped up the week by reflecting on a three-week prescription simulation. Students were divided into two groups: diabetics and HIV patients. The faculty gave us pill bottles filled with M&Ms. Our class president sent periodic GroupMe messages about various simulated issues. Example: “Update: your throat is burning and your chest is on fire! wait an additional 35 minutes after taking your pills before eating.” Some students ate all the M&Ms the first day. Some abandoned the simulation. Everyone forgot to take at least one pill.

Straight-Shooter Sally recounted the awkward conversation after her new roommates, a nursing student and college-educated bartender, accidentally read a message: “You forgot to take your HIV antiretrovirals for today. Double up.”

Mischievous Mary, a smart, petite jewish girl who dyed her hair pink last year because “it was the last time I could do something stupid before we start clerkships — unlike a tattoo, this is reversible.” She began school aspiring to follow in her father’s footsteps as an internist, but is now determined to become a heart surgeon. Mary responded to Sally’s story: “I realized this weekend that I have lost all sense of decency. I was in this quaint coffeeshop by my apartment studying STDs looking at pictures of penises on my computer, easily seen by the other patrons.” Jane added, “I was walking with Giorgio on the Greenway. We somehow got on the topic of syphilis. It took us several minutes to understand why people were looking at us strangely.”

Statistics for the week…

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What could President Trump name after Apple Computer?

Now that Apple is going to pay some Federal income tax (previous post), what would cost $38 billion that President Trump could name in honor of the company? Here are some ideas:

  • The Apple Computer Border Wall (estimated cost $21.6 billion, so it wouldn’t consume this one-time payment)
  • The Tim Cook nuclear-powered aircraft carrier (complete with fighter jets and rescue helicopters)
  • rename Interstate 280 to the “Android is No Good at All National Highway” (what has Junipero Serra done for anyone lately?)

Readers: any good ideas? Why not show some love to what I assume will be the nation’s biggest taxpayer in 2018?

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“The Future is Female”: Women’s March in Boston 2018

I happened to be driving by the Cambridge Common on Saturday just as a “women’s march” was officially starting. Attendance was limited, with crowd covering only about one third of the Common (so the local media used a tight shot to make it look like it was jammed; see for example). I assumed that there was a big march over in Boston proper (on the vastly larger Boston Common) and that this was just a local march for people insufficiently outraged to ride a few stops on the Red Line. But it turned out that Cambridge was the official location for anyone #Resisting in the Boston area.

The story is interesting because it says that a top state official, Maura Healey, “wore a T-shirt that read The Future is Female.'” I understand that the majority of voters are women, but I wonder what would happen if a politician anywhere in the U.S. had worn a T-shirt reading “The Future is Male.”

[Separately, Healey “referenced the many lawsuits her office has filed against the Republican president’s administration over the past year.” (no mention that Massachusetts taxpayers get to pay for legal fees on both sides of any such lawsuit!).]

Here’s an image from a Facebook friend in Manhattan. It seems that marchers in New York were more cash-oriented…

… though maybe not one particular marcher: “Just saw a chihuahua in a pussy hat.” (update from NYC at 1:40 pm)

[She posted a photo of herself in front of a cardboard sign painted “RESIST!” and the comments from her friends were kind of interesting. 3 out of 4 of the female-named commenters (of course I can’t know their true gender IDs!) mentioned her appearance, e.g., “Too cute!”, “You are beautiful.”, “super cute”. Isn’t one of the complaints that #Resisting women have voiced that they don’t want to be judged based on their physical appearance?]

Readers: What did you see in terms of a Women’s March in your area?


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Patty Wagstaff writes about a carrier landing

Everyone loves aerobatic champion Patty Wagstaff. And everyone loves Navy fighter jets landing on carriers (well, as long as we ignore the price tag). Suggested reading: “Making Traps: The Thrill Of Landing An F/A-18 On An Aircraft Carrier” (Plane&Pilot, January 2018). I don’t think that King Bush II had to do this when he went out in a utility plane to give his “Mission Accomplished” speech:

Flying to a carrier however, the training was mandatory. As a swimmer, surfer and beach girl, I was excited about it. I thought it would be a breeze, but, boy, was I in for a surprise. When I jumped in the water in full U.S. Navy flight gear—flight suit, survival vest, G suit, helmet and boots—and was told to swim the length of the Olympic size swimming pool, I thought, “Swim? You’re kidding me!” I had lead weights attached to my extremities. The Navy Seal Instructors were encouraging but said no swim, no fly. They told me there were no rules how I got there—back stroke, side stroke, freestyle—as long as I made it to the other side of the pool, an eternity away.

By sheer will and motivation, I raised my feet into a horizontal position and started moving slowly, like a turtle, across the pool. I wasn’t sure I could do it, but several instructors stood cheering me on as I placed my hands on the ledge at the far side of the pool. Next we had to tread water for a full 5 minutes in our gear. The Instructors gave me some tips—relax, conserve energy and get a little air under my helmet and use that to float upside down. Another task was swimming, blindfolded, through a narrow cage with a 90-degree bend, simulating a fuselage. The catch was that another swimmer would be coming from the opposite direction, and you would meet up somewhere in the middle.

It is a quick read and I recommend it!

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