Animated and illuminated BLM yard art? (or Rainbow Flagism displays?)
Our neighborhood has gone from Bleak Maskachusetts Winter to Yet Bleaker Maskachusetts Winter due to folks having taken down their epic yard displays, e.g.,
What about cashing in on the latest trends in righteousness, and making American suburbs far more beautiful in the process, by offering animated and illuminated BLM yard art analogous to what one can buy for Christmas? The Christmas season is short, but the BLM season can last continuously for decades!
Americans have demonstrated a commitment to BLM yard displays by purchasing signs, but generally these are not illuminated. This should give us some confidence that some containers of night-time BLM yard displays would fly off the shelves.
Readers: What should the illuminated and animated displays depict? Let’s refer to the Wikipedia timeline of BLM for a few starter ideas:
- animatronic Karen Amy Cooper with camera and image recognition software that can identify Black passersby and harangue them
- an inflatable burning Minneapolis Target store, commemorating the mostly peaceful protests of 2020
What if we adapt the idea to the religion of Rainbow Flagism? Would would the nighttime lawn scenes look like then?
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