Florida rejects Science regarding COVID-19 vaccines for healthy children

A hot war rages in Ukraine and Americans have the leisure to argue about the extent to which 5-year-olds should be given an emergency use authorized vaccine against a disease that kills the elderly.

For the past 16 months, friends who are physicians have been saying

  • vaccinate everyone over 50 or 60 (threshold varies by doc)
  • vaccinate no healthy person under 30
  • offer the COVID vaccine to people between 30 and 50/60

(See Is it ethical for a physician to vaccinate a healthy 20-year-old against COVID-19? from January 2021, for example)

Horrifyingly, it seems that a public health bureaucrat agrees with the Deplorable Docs in my social circle… “Florida to recommend against Covid-19 vaccine for healthy children” (CNN):

The CDC recommended that children get vaccinated in November, when the shot became available to most kids. Since then, about 22 million children have become fully vaccinated, including 1.1 million Florida kids.

But Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo said the state is going to issue separate guidance urging parents not to vaccinate their kids. Ladapo did not say when that guidance would become official and provided few additional details.

The Florida chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics was also critical of the decision.

“The COVID-19 vaccine is our best hope for ending the pandemic,” chapter President Dr. Lisa Gwynn said in a statement. “The Surgeon General’s comments today misrepresent the benefits of the vaccine, which has been proven to prevent serious illness, hospitalizations and long-term symptoms from COVID-19 in children and adolescents, including those who are otherwise healthy.

“The evidence is clear that when people are vaccinated, they are significantly less likely to get very sick and need hospital care. There is widespread consensus among medical and public health experts about the life-saving benefits of this vaccine.”

Ordinarily, CNN loves to celebrate immigrant success stories. In the case of the above-cited Science-rejecter, according to Wikipedia, the journey began with five years of unmasked childhood in Nigeria, migration to the U.S., and an education at Harvard Medical School. In addition to his M.D., Dr. Ladapo holds a Ph.D. in health policy from Harvard, yet CNN does not consider this migration journey worth highlighting.

From Friday, a mother and child who narrowly escaped a New York tourist’s attempt to vaccinate them both:

(in front of the electric utility’s (free) manatee lagoon)

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Adult unvaccinated New Yorkers can go unmasked to the strip club; 3-year-olds must be masked in pre-K

“‘It’s time to reopen our city’: N.Y.C. mayor lifts a school mask mandate and indoor vaccination rules.” (New York Times, 3/4/2022):

Mayor Eric Adams said on Friday that he was officially ending New York City’s mask mandate for public schools and a proof-of-vaccination requirement for indoor dining, gyms and entertainment venues, a significant moment for a city that was once an epicenter of the pandemic.

Mr. Adams made the announcement in Times Square in Manhattan and said it was part of his efforts to reopen New York after a steep drop in coronavirus cases.

In other words, Science says that if you know that an intervention (mask orders and vaccine coercion) works the smartest thing to do is terminate that intervention to let the virus grow exponentially again. Thanks to Science, an adult New Yorker who has refused to accept the Sacrament of Fauci can mingle unmasked in strip clubs (watch for unexpected costs, though!), pack unmasked and unvaccinated into Madison Square Garden with 20,000+ potentially unvaccinated spectators, etc.

How about 3-year-olds? Can they now breathe freely during their DUPLO time? No:

Starting on Monday, students will no longer have to wear masks indoors at public schools. Children under 5 must continue to wear masks because they are not yet eligible for vaccination.


  • “The best strip clubs in NYC” (TimeOut, with 2016 prices): This 10,000-square-foot club took over the old Scores space, but it’s a much classier affair: … ($400 gets you 30 minutes of alone time) … Larry Flynt’s Hustler Club empire aims to be classy and approachable … Lap dance prices are equivalent to other clubs in the city; massages will run you about $100. … All-you-can-eat sushi served on a naked woman in its private Kabuki room ($250 per person).
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I picked up our free N95 masks

These events occurred on February 24, but I didn’t want to post then because it is a trivial story compared to what was happening in Ukraine.

Our local CVS had a sign on the door promising “free” (taxpayer-funded) masks from the central planners:

The clerk tried to give me 10. “Don’t you have a large family?” she asked, hopefully. I asked for 3, explaining that I just wanted to brag to friends about having gotten them, and settled for 5. “We have 35 boxes of these in the back,” she added, and then pointed out that the anti-SARS-CoV-2 masks are “not evaluated for antiviral protection.”

Should I feel bad about writing on a non-Ukrainian topic? Here’s today’s email from McKinsey, the world’s leading business consultancy:

How to fix the broken rung on the career ladder for women in tech

Women are promoted at a slower rate than men across all industries and roles. But in technical roles‚ including in engineering and product management‚ the gender gap is even more pronounced: just 52 women for every 100 men are promoted to manager. Diversity is crucial in technical roles because it helps debias the technologies that are an intrinsic part of modern life. Early‐career promotions are critical to success‚ so this broken rung on the leadership ladder means that companies end up preparing fewer women for senior roles. What can leaders do? Don’t miss our article on repairing what’s broken.

The email includes a photo of a person, gender ID unspecified, doing Ph.D.-level soldering (Ph.D. level because his/her/zir/their other hand is not introducing any solder near the iron’s tip):

Ukrainians are suffering right now, but an American still has mental space, apparently, for all of his/her/zir/their pre-war concerns.

Loosely related… Shutterstock shows us another world in which soldering happens without solder:

Note bare fingers on the hot part of the iron. Could this be an example of what Joe Biden was talking about in the State of the Union speech?

We’re the only nation on Earth that has always turned every crisis we’ve faced into an opportunity, the only nation that can be defined by a single word: possibilities.

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COVID-safe restaurant chain idea

Even as thousands of Americans continue to be felled by SARS-CoV-2, state governors are lifting COVID-related protections. Soon it might be possible for a 5-year-old, for example, to go to a restaurant without anyone checking to see if the 5-year-old has been injected with an experimental use-authorized vaccine against a disease that kills 80-year-olds. Mask requirements are being dropped as well. People will be unmasked as they walk into the restaurant, not just when they’re sitting at tables.

Let’s assume that at least 20 percent of Americans Follow the Science and are extremely concerned about COVID-19, albeit not concerned enough to stay home. That’s a potential market of 67 million people (source for total population) who want a restaurant where they are fully protected against COVID-19 by cloth masks and vaccines that cut risk by a further 97X.

Even in the Florida Free State, there is no law against a restaurant checking vaccine papers (as mine were checked at Art Basel) and requiring masks. The legislature has blocked government agencies from engaging in this kind of behavior, but private companies can do whatever they want (e.g., hassle unvaccinated employees with periodic testing demands).

How about a restaurant chain that voluntarily imposes all of the restrictions that mayors in Washington, D.C., New York, San Francisco, Boston, et al. imposed by force of law? You will need to show a photo ID and vaccine papers to get in. You will need to wear a mask, preferably cloth but N95 is also okay, as you walk from the door to the table. The restaurants will close at 10 pm in honor of the curfews that many European nations imposed to prevent SARS-CoV-2 from spreading during the night hours.

Because obesity is not a significant or newsworthy cause of death compared to COVID-19, the menu will be 100 percent items that people love. Fettuccine Alfredo, potatoes au gratin, crème brûlée, etc. Because cancer is also insignificant next to COVID-19, smoking and vaping will be allowed.

What will the new chain be called? Karen’s.

Before everyone heaps ridicule on the above idea, remember that the U.S. government thought that there would be a significant number of people who would remain concerned about COVID-19 prevention immediately after a nuclear weapon had destroyed one or more cities. From https://www.ready.gov/nuclear-explosion (retrieved 2/28/2022; it was still all about the hand sanitizer!):

When you have reached a safe place, try to maintain a distance of at least six feet between yourself and people who are not part of your household. If possible, wear a mask if you’re sheltering with people who are not a part of your household. Children under two years old, people who have trouble breathing, and those who are unable to remove masks on their own should not wear them. … If you are told by authorities to evacuate to a public shelter, try to bring items that can help protect yourself and your family from COVID-19, such as hand sanitizer that contains at least 60 percent alcohol, cleaning materials, and two masks per person.

The authors of the web page assume that the nuclear weapon(s) did not take out the 9-1-1 and health care systems:

If you are sick or injured, listen for instructions on how and where to get medical attention when authorities tell you it is safe to exit. If you are sick and need medical attention, contact your healthcare provider for instructions. If you are at a public shelter, immediately notify the staff at that facility so they can call a local hospital or clinic. If you are experiencing a medical emergency, call 9-1-1 and let the operator know if you have, or think you might have, COVID-19. If you can, put on a mask before help arrives. … Many people may already feel fear and anxiety about the coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19). The threat of a nuclear explosion can add additional stress. Follow CDC guidance for managing stress during a traumatic event and managing stress during COVID-19.

There is a helpful photo:

Anyway, if there are people who want to wear an anti-COVID mask in the fallout shelter after a successful nuclear attack on the U.S., my theory is there are people who will want to have dinner in a fully masked environment (except for all of the customers who are unmasked because it is a restaurant and they’re eating).


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Did the Deplorable explanation for COVID-19 deaths hold up?

Back in September 2021, we looked at a New York Times article that explained the #Science of Deplorability leading inevitably to death from COVID-19. States and counties in which people voted for Trump were subject to high death rates. Cities packed with righteousness (Biden voters) were sailing through whatever SARS-CoV-2 could dish out more comfortably than a New York City hospital executive holed up on the Palm Beach waterfont.

In the comments, Steve wrote “Coastal America (blue states) tend to have mild summers, and long dreary wet winters.” I responded with a throwback to pre-coronascience, suggesting a hypothesis to test:

Maybe Vermont would be a good test for your theory. They have the nation’s highest vaccination rate. They have the nation’s lowest cumulative COVID-19 death rate (still higher than India’s, though, which was portrayed as a world-ending disaster by our media). They enthusiastically voted for Joe Biden in 2020 (largest margin on the NYT chart).

Also, California and Maryland. The NYT says that these states are being spared currently because they’re populated by Democrats. Presumably that isn’t going to change and, in fact, they’ll become more solidly Democratic as Deplorables seeking freedom move to Florida, South Dakota, and other comparatively free states.

If we want to be scientific about this, where “scientific” has its pre-Covid definition of put forward a hypothesis first rather than retrospectively providing an explanation for how it is the fault of the unvaccinated or the Republicans, etc., we need a date and an outcome.

How about if the hypothesis is that Vermont suffers a fall/winter Covid wave that kills at least 50 percent as many people, adjusted for population, as the current wave in Wyoming, singled out for Deplorability in the NYT article? We pick March 1 as the “end of winter” (and September 1 for the start of fall?)? And the hypothesis test is discontinued if some dramatically effective medical treatment for COVID-19 becomes available prior to March 1 (i.e., the treatment that I wrongly predicted would be available no later than March 2021; see https://philip.greenspun.com/blog/2020/04/06/best-guess-as-to-when-the-first-successful-covid-19-therapy-will-be-widely-available/ (I give myself credit only for saying “I’m a big believer that viruses are smarter than human beings.”)). Wyoming has such a small population that it might be challenging to say when the current wave is over. The NYT characterizes Wyoming as a place where people are dying left and right. Your horse or pickup will have to navigate around corpses in Jackson. Yet the Google shows a 7-day average death rate currently of 6 people. Not 6 people per 100,000. 6 deaths per day total in WY. The wave can be declared over when this falls to 1?

California and Maryland have already suffered the loss of quite a few residents tagged to COVID-19. They’re thus more similar to West Virginia, also singled out for Deplorability in the NYT article (relatively high death rate right now on top of a medium cumulative death rate; many evil voters who chose Trump). So the hypothesis for those states can be that they have fall/winter waves that kill at least 50 percent as many people, adjusted for population, as the current wave in West Virginia. We look at deaths from September 1 through March 1 in these states. We say that the current “wave” in WV is over once the number of deaths per day comes down to fewer than 6 per day.

Although true coronascience is done by looking at the data and spinning a retrospective hypothesis, let’s look at the above hypothesis from September 2021 and compare to data received since. What do we find? Is whether a person voted for Donald Trump sufficient to predict his/her/zir/their chance of being felled by the mighty coronavirus?

Note that the New York Times didn’t formulate a hypothesis other than “red states bad” but it did a February 18 update:

It looks like the NYT’s hypothesis might be correct. Supporting Biden, and having neighbors who support Biden, protects a person from COVID-19-tagged death. On the other hand, the above chart is not adjusted for median age. Younger people are more likely to vote for Democrats and much less likely to die from/with COVID-19. There are huge state-to-state variations in the percentage of population over 65 (California is very young, for example, which helps it look good in the COVID Olympics; 15% of population over 65 compared to 21% in Florida). Especially when looking at all counties in the U.S., there would have to also be huge variations in the percentage of over-65s in those counties (just comparing all California counties to all Florida counties, for example, would result in a massive disparity in COVID-19 vulnerability). Rural counties were more likely to vote for Trump and they’re also packed with COVID-vulnerable seniors (19 percent of population compared to 15 percent in urban/metro counties (USDA)).

We might also need to adjust for the type of work being done in these counties. A county packed with work-from-home, welfare-from-home, or cash-alimony-and-child-support-checks-from-home Zoom heroes might be more protected from COVID-19 deaths than a county packed with people whose job requires in-person effort (God forbid!).

Jay Bhattacharya’s fall 2021 tweet reminds us that adjusting for demographics gives a different picture than a raw death rate.

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Central Planning Success! (COVID-19 tests are arriving today)

Today is the day that muscular government action brings relief from COVID-19-related shortages. Our “free” (taxpayer-funded) at-home test kits are arriving. From USPS:

These were ordered on January 19, the first day of official availability. They’ll arrive approximately 5 weeks after the tests became generally available at retail in local pharmacies.


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Why drop mask requirements and vaccine paper checks after they’ve been proved effective?

A friend in Maskachusetts wrote yesterday that his son’s private school had dropped its mask requirement (public schools in MA are still generally masked), overruling at least one member of its own medical board who voted to keep the kids in masks. His son reported that none of the teachers wore masks, but some students continued to do so. In other words, the teachers sent a message that they hadn’t believed that the masks were necessary or helpful by all dropping them as soon as they became optional. Adults are free to party unmasked in MA and almost everyone else. “Soon only one U.S. state will still have an indoor mask mandate” (CBS, 2/23/2022):

New York and Rhode Island this month lifted indoor mask rules for businesses, but still require them in schools. Illinois, Oregon, Washington and Washington, D.C., plan to let mask requirements lapse by the end of March.

These Followers of Science are no longer Following the Science. “‘We Are Not There Yet’: As States Drop Mask Rules, the C.D.C. Stands Firm” (NYT, 2/9/2022):

The Biden administration said federal masking guidance would not change for now, but was seeking advice from public health experts on the way forward.

… Dr. Walensky said pointedly that while her agency is working on new guidance for the states, it is too soon for all Americans to take off their masks in indoor public places.

As officials examine the science and chart a careful course, they run the risk of making the Biden administration look irrelevant as governors forge ahead on their own.

Even without reference to Science, the idea of dropping vaccine paper checks and mask orders “because cases are down” is puzzling. A friend recently texted regarding “Denver to end COVID-19 vaccine mandate for city employees, teachers and workers in high-risk settings”. He wrote “Why would you end the mandate if you believed it’s what saved you in the first place?” A San Francisco friend, regarding extending the school mask orders: “every additional day might save one life.”

Let’s look at the Maskachusetts “cases”:

Checking vaccine papers began in Boston on January 15 and, as one can see from “the curve,” cases trended down smartly after that intervention. “Boston businesses bid farewell to vaccine mandate, but some still check vax cards” (2/20/2022) describes the elimination of this safety measure just as its effectiveness was proven.

The California curve similarly shows that vaccine paper checks and mask orders worked:

For comparison, the Florida curve shows how cases trend to infinity in an environment where there are no mask orders, vaccine checks, or vaccine coercion:

Science tells us that universal vaccination, achieved via coercion if necessary, stops COVID infection and that masks cut the near-zero risk of COVID infection for the vaccinated to even nearer zero. Why abandon Science at this point when Science in the Science-following states saved lives at what lockdown proponents characterize as virtually zero cost?

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Massachusetts during Götterdämmerung (of the Coronagods)

With deaths from COVID-19 only about as bad as in January 2021 (when few were vaccinated), in both the U.S. as a whole and Maskachusetts alone, declarations of “Mission Accomplished” are becoming common, with associated rollbacks of orders to check vaccine papers and orders for the subjects to wear masks.

How do people who have clung to their cloth masks as security blankets react during the Twilight of the Coronagods?

“Massachusetts Mask and Vax Mandates: A (Temporarily Accurate) Guide” (Boston Magazine, 2/16/2022):

Whether you’re required to wear a face mask depends on where you are. When you see it on a map, it’s striking just how much variety there is when it comes to policies town-by-town and city-by-city. Boston still requires them for all public indoor spaces, as do neighbors Cambridge, Somerville, Newton, and Brookline. Some places, like Medford, Malden, and Melrose, require masks only in municipal buildings.

As you certainly know by now, Boston opted to make vaccine checks mandatory at indoor venues like restaurants and gyms in January. Brookline did the same thing. (Interestingly, Brookline’s vax mandate applies to restaurants’ outdoor patios, while Boston’s does not). Other cities and towns considered following in Boston’s footsteps—among them Arlington, Cambridge, and Somerville—but didn’t, although lots and lots of business owners have enacted their own vaccine rules.

Meanwhile, Boston is nearing the next stage of its vaccine mandate policy—per the city’s B Together plan, kids 12 and older will need to be fully vaccinated to enter those places, too, beginning February 15. Kids ages 5-11 will need to have at least one dose by March 1, and two doses by May 1.

Even though lots of states have been dropping their school mask mandates, the CDC thinks it’s too soon to take that step, and is sticking with its guidance that kids stay masked in schools.

From the linked-to article:

“As small business operators we have a civic duty to take care of the health and safety of our guests and employees alike,” Tracy Chang told Eater in July 2021. Chang is the chef and owner of Pagu in Cambridge’s Central Square. “The past year has taught us just how vulnerable are the lives of essential hospitality workers, just how broken the existing hospitality industry is when it comes to wages, benefits, and welfare,” Chang continued. “We now have an opportunity to rebuild the industry to be a better, stronger one, starting one restaurant at a time. The least we can do is pay people more, check for proof of full vaccination, take temperatures at the door, and require masks indoors when not eating/drinking.” [later in the article it notes that Mx. Chang also requires government-issued photo ID, which is definitely not a racist policy]

If he/she/ze/they really wants to #StopTheSpread, why not close his/her/zir/their restaurant permanently? People eating at home won’t generate as many infections or breed as many mutations as people eating in restaurants.

Club Passim (47 Palmer St., Cambridge): All staff, performers, and customers are required to show proof of vaccination (the card or the photo) upon entering the club; ticket purchases will be refunded for those who cannot or will not show proof. Non-performers must wear masks indoors unless actively eating or drinking. Passim continues to offer livestream performances and online classes.

Again, if you’re concerned about COVID-19, why assemble COVID-19-spreading people to hear music when everyone has the capability of streaming audio and video at home?

How about those schools? February 17 email from a suburban district is presumably typical:

The Lincoln Board of Health met on Wednesday evening, February 16th to discuss the February 28, 2022 expiration of the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education school mask mandate. While they agreed that our positive case numbers have dropped to low levels, concerns were raised about the possibility of an increase in cases after the February vacation week. They would like to see that our low number of cases are sustained over the next few weeks. In addition, Board of Health member Dr. Kanner shared that state level data is still at rates higher than it was in August when the BOH instituted the Town and school mask mandate.

The Board of Health voted to hold off on a decision until March 9, 2022 when they will reconvene to review the COVID data for the schools, Town and state and consider rescinding the town mask mandate.

The School Committee met this morning and received an update on the outcomes of the Lincoln Board of Health meeting. The Committee voted to re-visit the decision regarding maintaining the mask mandate or moving to less masking in the schools at it’s upcoming School Committee meeting on March 10th.

From “Brookline Indoor Mask Mandate and Vaccination Requirement at Businesses to Remain in Effect Until Further Notice”:

Interim Health Commissioner Patrick Maloney announces that the Town of Brookline’s mask mandate and proof of vaccination requirement continues to remain in effect though the need for these requirements will be reassessed next month. [i.e., in March 2022]

Proof of vaccination will continue to be required for patrons at all: … [restaurants, gyms, theaters, museums, etc.]

Additionally, masks continue to be required in all public indoor spaces in Brookline.

(Most of the above is actually illegal in Florida, of course, which refuses to follow Science. The legislature, for example, passed a law that forbids public schools to order children to wear masks.)

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Why are people able to charge for fake CDC vaccination cards?

Dumb question of the day… why are fake CDC vaccination cards a marketable item? “Fake Vaccine Card Sales Have Skyrocketed Since Biden Mandate” (Pew):

The price of fake COVID-19 vaccine cards and the number of vendors selling them have shot up since President Joe Biden announced his vaccine mandate plan last week, according to a global cybersecurity company.

Check Point Software Technologies found that the typical cost of phony vaccine cards bearing the logo of the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention was $100 on Sept. 2. The day after Biden’s Sept. 9 announcement, they jumped to $200, according to company spokesperson Ekram Ahmed.

The estimated number of sellers also rose from about 1,200 to more than 10,000 during that period, added Ahmed, whose company has been studying the black market for fake vaccine cards.

The CDC makes a PDF for a blank card available on its web site. The information on the card can be written in by hand. A person who wanted to make his/her/zir/their own card would not even need to buy card stock because he/she/ze/they would generally be able to show a photo of a card rather than the card itself, e.g., to get into a restaurant in Washington, D.C. Clinic site and lot numbers can be copied from a card image found on the Web and/or from a friend’s legit card.

Why are people paying $200 for something that can be easily created at home? What is the skill of the referenced “black market” vaccination card vendors?

(And, given the state of American electronic medical records, how would it be possible to determine that a card was fake if the bearer copied lot numbers and clinic names from a legit card? (my booster shot record just says “CVS” in the right hand column, which could be anywhere in the U.S.) Even if the injection can’t be found in a database, should we infer from that missing record that the card is fake? How do we know that the people at the CVS did all of the upstream tasks correctly?)

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Casting the heretic out of the forest

An estate owner in a woodsy New England vacation enclave for the rich writes to his neighbors, who rely on a limited collection of colorful locals for every job that requires physical strength and practical skill.

I am no longer employing the [Heretics] due to their refusal to be vaccinated. I am clearly in the camp that embraces the proven science that the vaccines are safe and necessary to help our civilization resist this terrible disease. One that should never have created such havoc throughout the world and our country whose leaders did not take the virus serious until much too late. There will be well over 1 million of our fellow citizens dead shortly and I have no tolerance for anyone who believes their “bodily autonomy” is more important than the health of our communities. [Heretic 1] did some incredible work for us and our property has his fingerprints all over it and I will be forever grateful but refusing to get the jab is too much for me to tolerate. Since about 30% of our country refuses to follow the strong advise and instructions from the world’s most brilliant epidemiologists and medical scientists and our ultra-conservative activist Supreme Court justices are allowing this idiocy to continue, it is likely that some of you don’t agree with me and that is your choice but I am resolved in my conviction. I have fired my tax accountant and stopped doing business with any entity refusing vaccines and masks. [A nearby Deplorable service business] will forever be off my list.

What was Heretic 1’s job? Forester. In other words, the unvaccinated individual would be out in the forest and never anywhere near the owner’s Covid-safe bunker. The email, sent to about 15 neighbors, closes with a signature:

“Ultimately, we have just one moral duty: to reclaim large areas of peace in ourselves, more and more peace, and to reflect it towards others. And the more peace there is in us, the more peace there will also be in our troubled world.”

(We can never have peace until all of the people with whom we do business agree with us politically.)

The neighbors respond supportively. Example:

Hi [Righteous Democrat], thanks for the latest news and especially for confirming about the [Heretics] and [Another Deplorable]. I too have been very concerned about their refusing to get vaccinated.

A former Californian weighs in on the above issue:

(“Trying to follow the science of the protected needing protection from the unprotected by forcing the unprotected to use the protection that doesn’t protected the protected.”)

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