President Biden delivers on his promise to shut down the United States…

… well, the Washington, D.C. area at least. From the FAA:

It is still possible to go IFR into three airports:

But VFR pilots and those based at GAI, for example, are denied the use of their aircraft during this most joyous of days.


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Maine coastal aerial photos: Castine to Mount Desert Island

Castine to the causeway from Trenton to Mount Desert Island, home of Acadia National Park:

Down the west coast of Mount Desert Island to Bass Harbor:

From our Boston to Bar Harbor, Maine trip in a Robinson R44 helicopter. Tony Cammarata was in back with a door removed and a Nikon D850. Instrument student Vince Dorow and I were flying.

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Rockland and Camden, Maine from the air

Foliage season in the art center of Rockland, Maine and north to Rockport and Camden:

Camden, Maine (#1 prettiest according to Downeast magazine!) and up to Belfast:

From our Boston to Bar Harbor, Maine trip in a Robinson R44 helicopter. Tony Cammarata was in back with a door removed and a Nikon D850. Instrument student Vince Dorow and I were flying.

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Coast of Maine aerial photos: Saint George to Owl’s Head

Saint George to the Knox County Airport (KRKD):

Lunch stop at KRKD, home of the Rockefeller-grade Owls Head Transportation Museum. Thanks, Downeast Air, for the crew car.

Monument to lost sailors next to the Keag Store (our lobster roll source):

A TripAdvisor comment from Debi J, a September 2020 visitor:

NO social distancing at all!!!!! NO masks on staff, cooks or register persons or CUSTOMERS. Customers place take out orders and stand right next to the check out register while they wait for their food to be prepared. No limits to how many people may enter in the store, they had about 20 people in a tiny store, no way you could social distance if you wanted to. STAY AWAY IF YOU WANT TO REMAIN HEALTHY, IT’S ONLY A MATTER OF TIME, UGH!!!

Some people would be happier if they stayed in Massachusetts! (with lots of social distancing and 8X the COVID-19 death rate compared to Maine)

Onward to Owl’s Head per se….

From our Boston to Bar Harbor, Maine trip in a Robinson R44 helicopter. Tony Cammarata was in back with a door removed and a Nikon D850. Instrument student Vince Dorow and I were flying.

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Maine aerial photos: Boothbay Harbor and up the Damariscotta River

Our series continues … from the mid-October Boston to Bar Harbor, Maine flight in a Robinson R44 helicopter. Tony Cammarata was in back with a door removed and a Nikon D850. Instrument student Vince Dorow was with me in the front seats.

Boothbay Harbor and up the Damariscotta River:

Damariscotta, Maine and down to Muscongus Bay:

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Maine coast helicopter photo series: Bath to Southport

The series continues… near the peak of foliage season (mid-October) we decided to fly from Boston to Bar Harbor, Maine, following the shoreline, in a Robinson R44 helicopter. Tony Cammarata was in back with a door removed (frosty!) and a Nikon D850. Instrument student Vince Dorow was with me in the front seats.

After departing Bath, Maine to resume the shoreline…

A “bad guy” lair:

The solar panels have been the subject of some debate among Facebook friends. Those who live in urban areas see the solar panels as virtue signaling. I see them as a source of backup power.

Onward to Southport:

Next: Boothbay Harbor.

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Bath, Maine from the Air, in foliage season

The series continues… near the peak of foliage season (mid-October) we decided to fly from Boston to Bar Harbor, Maine, following the shoreline, in a Robinson R44 helicopter. Tony Cammarata was in back with a door removed (frosty!) and a Nikon D850. Instrument student Vince Dorow was with me in the front seats.

Bath, Maine, home of Bath Iron Works. In the images below, you’ll the USS Lyndon B. Johnson. He got us into the quagmire of the Vietnam War and this destroyer got taxpayers into a quagmire of cost overruns and delays. Out of 32 ships ordered, 3 were (sort of) completed.

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Maine coast helicopter photo series: Phippsburg

The series continues… near the peak of foliage season (mid-October) we decided to fly from Boston to Bar Harbor, Maine, following the shoreline, in a Robinson R44 helicopter. Tony Cammarata was in back with a door removed (frosty!) and a Nikon D850. Instrument student Vince Dorow was with me in the front seats.

After departing Brunswick, we picked up the shoreline again in Phippsburg:

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Aerial photos of Bowdoin College and Brunswick

The series continues… From our Robinson R44 helicopter. Tony Cammarata used his Nikon D850 to get these images of the rich kids’ liberal arts college, Bowdoin, in Brunswick, Maine, formerly best known for its Naval Air Station (now KBXM).

Choose from Africana Studies, Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies, Latinx Studies, Coastal Studies, and Cinema Studies (I would love to sit in on the Zoolander lecture!).

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